JNA March/April 2025

DIGEST 市场指标 8 | JNA March/April 2025 印度 A miner in Mahenge, Tanzania showing a member of the GIA Field Gemology Team the indicator minerals they follow to find pinkred spinel deposits. (Photo credit: GIA) 坦桑尼亚Mahenge的一 名矿工向GIA实地宝石学团队的一名成员,展示他们在寻找粉红色 尖晶石矿床时能提供指示的矿物。(图片来源:GIA美国宝石研究院) 亿 US$2,360 美元 US$54M 5,400万美元 1,877.1 tonnes吨 The number of expeditions completed by Gemological Institute of America (GIA) field gemmologists over the last 17 years. GIA’s field gemmology programme is the foundation of its coloured gemstone research and identification, and countryof-origin services. “With over 29,000 verified samples (some comprising several hundred individual stones) – more than one million carats – from 20 countries, we have the most complete and detailed database of the chemical, geological and gemmological properties of coloured gemstones from mining locations around the world,” said Tom Moses, GIA chief laboratory and research officer. The average price of natural diamond jewellery across all product categories in 2024, representing a 2.7 per cent year-on-year uptick, according to the report, “Natural Diamond Trends, A 2024 Overview,” by the Natural Diamond Council. The report said round diamonds were the most popular, comprising 82 per cent of centre stones in natural diamond jewellery sold during the year while ovals and marquises gained market share. Total amount generated through the sale of the 549-carat Sethunya diamond and the 1,080-carat Eva Star diamond from Lucara's Karowe mine in Botswana. This was one of the most lucrative diamond sales in recent history, according to Lucara. GIA美国宝石研究院的实地宝石学家在过去17年期间所完成 的考察次数。GIA的宝石实地考察计划是其彩色宝石研究和鉴 定,以及原产国服务的基础。GIA鉴定所和硏发部首席执行官 Tom Moses说:“我们现时收集了来自20个国家超过29,000个 经过验证的样本(有些样本包括几百颗独立的宝石)——超过 100万克拉。我们拥有最完整、最详细的彩色宝石数据库,记录 了来自世界各地矿场的彩色宝石的化学、地质和宝石学特性。” 根据天然钻石委员会(NDC)发布的《天然钻石趋势:2024 年概览》,2024年所有天然钻饰产品类别的平均价格。 这数字代表同比上涨了2.7%。报告称,圆形钻石最受欢 迎,82%售出的天然钻饰中以圆形钻石为主石,而椭圆形 和马眼形钻石的市场份额也有所上升。 Global demand for gold jewellery in 2024, representing an 11 per cent year-on-year decline, according to the World Gold Council’s (WGC) latest Gold Demand Trends report. WGC attributed the dip to record-high gold prices that impacted affordability. While weakness was global, major markets China and India saw year-on-year decreases of 24 per cent and 2 per cent, respectively. 根据世界黄金协会(WGC)最新发布的《全球黄金需求趋势 报告》,2024年的全球黄金首饰需求。这数字代表同比下 降了11%。WGC指创纪录的高金价影响了人们的购买力。 虽然疲软表现属全球性,但同为主要市场的中国和印度则 分别同比下跌24%和2%。 卢卡拉钻石公司出售549克拉Sethunya钻石和1,080克拉 Eva Star钻石所得的总金额。两颗钻石均来自位于博茨瓦 纳的卡罗韦(Karowe)矿场。卢卡拉称,这是近代历史上最 重要的钻石销售之一。 100