JNA March/April 2025

MARKET INTELLIGENCE 市场情报 50 | JNA March/April 2025 一种崭新的珍贵材料诞生,为珠宝界的设计、 独特性和创意开启了新的可能性。Osmium Institut营销与认证研究所(Osmium-Institut Zur Inverkehrbringung Und Zertifizierung Von Osmium GmbH) 表示,锇是世界上最稀有的贵金属之一,是铂金开采的副产 品。在10,000吨的铂矿石中只能获取30克锇。结晶锇是可以 在市场上交易的第八大贵金属。截至2025年2月19日,锇的 价格为每克1,665.39美元。 纯锇原料在瑞士进行结晶处理,并在德国取得认证。每 块结晶锇都有独特的晶体结构,经扫描后会在锇世界数据 库中记录相应的识别码,使其完全可以追溯。 结晶锇作为一种财富保值的方式,向来备受市场追捧, 常于制造奢侈手表、耳机及其他高端消费品,甚至是收藏珍 品,如世界上最珍贵的新造小提琴。 目前,这种蓝银色贵金属在珠宝界的受欢迎程度不断 攀升,成为了高级珠宝的主角或华丽点缀。鉴于结晶锇的特 性,它只能从Osmium Institut购买。该机构提供各种形状和 尺寸的结晶锇,包括圆形、方形、心形和字母等等。 Osmium Institute副总裁Scarlett Clauss表示:“我们 的库存包括不同尺寸、高度和重量的标准形状结晶锇,从 0.3mm到1.4mm不等。我们也可以切割订制件,例如品牌标 志、特定设计和客制规格。结晶锇常被误认为是密镶钻石, 但它是单一表面,具有无与伦比的亮度和光泽。” 创意授权 来自中国香港的Tania Chan,是亚洲首位在珠宝设计中 使用锇的高端珠宝设计师。 在她的首个Palace系列中,她将锇切片配粉红色蓝宝 石、紫水晶,并以一颗2.75克拉梨形钻石为主石,制作成一套 独一无二的多功能高级首饰套装,包括胸针、吊坠、戒指和 一对可转换式玫瑰金耳环。 主件如搭配蓝色蕾丝造型的配件,即可变成时尚的颈 链,而耳环可进一步解构成耳钉、攀耳式耳环和耳坠。 Chan说:“锇的亮度比钻石至少高出20%。它的蓝银色非 常迷人,与钻石和各种彩色宝石,尤其是紫水晶和彩蓝宝石 搭配得天衣无缝。结晶锇表面平整,有各种厚度,但看起来 却相当有立体感和丰盈感。” 她的锇金属高级珠宝系列包括原色锇和镀金锇耳环,并 可作围巾圈;镶紫水晶的锇戒指,以及Winter Sun镶钻的锇 吊坠。她打算以这些设计为基础,推出更多不同款式,展现 锇的璀璨光芒。 Clauss解释说:“在阳光下,从六、七米远的地方就能看 到钻石因折射光线而闪烁。锇的光彩可以在30米外看到。由 于锇的表面是平的,它反射的光就像一千面小镜子,因此它 的光彩格外耀目。” 锇的稀有性也增加了它的吸引力。Clauss指尽管 Osmium Institute的愿景是在全球推广这种材料,但锇的总 存量绝不会超过500公斤。 她说:“锇将永远是这种来自地球的极其稀有、美丽的贵 重金属,为您的首饰带来额外的闪烁与奢华。它也绝对符合 道德,因为每件锇都有文书记录,使它从矿场到佩戴者的手 上,每一步都是可以追溯。这种引人入胜的故事,对具有社 会意识的消费者而言,则更具吸引力。” of a brooch/pendant/ring with a 2.75-carat diamond centre stone and a pair of transformable earrings in rose gold. The main piece can be transformed into a trendy choker when styled with a blue lace strap, while the earrings can be further deconstructed into studs, ear climbers and drops. “Osmium’s brilliance is at least 20 per cent more than that of a diamond. Its bluish-silver colour is extremely attractive and goes perfectly with diamonds and a variety of coloured gemstones, especially amethyst and fancy sapphires,” said Chan. “Crystalline osmium has a flat surface and comes in various thickness levels, but it seems threedimensional and voluminous.” Chan's line of osmium high jewellery includes ear hoops lined with original and yellow gold-plated osmium pieces that can be worn as a scarf ring, an amethyst ring embellished with osmium, and a Winter Sun pendant of osmium with diamonds. She intends to release further variations of these designs that showcase osmium’s intense sparkle. “Diamonds can be seen sparkling from up to six or seven metres in the sunlight as they refract the light,” Clauss explained. “The sparkle of osmium can be seen from 30 metres away. Since it has a flat surface, it reflects light like a thousand little mirrors.” Also adding to osmium’s appeal is its rarity. According to Clauss, while the Osmium Institute’s vision is to spread awareness of the material worldwide, there is never going to be more than 500kg of osmium in total. She said, “Osmium will always be this extremely rare, beautiful precious gift from the earth that gives an extra dose of sparkle and luxury. It also has an ethically clean market as every single piece is documented and recorded, making it traceable from mine to finger. This captivating narrative makes osmium even more attractive to socially conscious consumers.” Lace choker with osmium, amethysts, pink sapphires and a 2.75-carat pear-shaped diamond set in rose gold from the Palace Collection by Tania Chan 由Tania Chan设计的Palace系列玫瑰金配 锇蕾丝项链,镶有紫水晶、粉红色蓝宝石和一颗2.75克拉梨形钻石