JNA March/April 2025

On the Cover 封面 Platinum halo ring by Stephen Silver Fine Jewelry with a 13.91-carat reddishpink tourmaline centre stone. Surrounding the tourmaline and set down both sides of the band are round brilliant cut diamonds weighing a total of 0.64 carats. Photo by Onysko Production Stephen Silver Fine Jewelry制作的铂金光环戒指,镶嵌一颗重13.91克拉的红粉 碧玺为主石。围绕碧玺和戒环两侧镶嵌总重0.64克拉的圆形明亮式切割钻石。照片 由Onysko制作 Digital version 电子版: https://news.jewellerynet.com/en/publications 30 Inspirational jewellery: Beyond the sparkle 别具意义的璀璨珠宝 36 Golden prospects in India’s gem and jewellery trade 金光灿烂的印度宝石和珠宝业 42 MARKET INTELLIGENCE 市场情报 42 GIA eyes more comprehensive coloured gem services GIA用心钻研更全面的宝石服务 44 China seeks revival in precious-metal jewellery market 中国窥见贵金属首饰业韧性犹存 49 Osmium shines on luxury jewellery stage 锇金属高级珠宝崭露头角 28 DESIGN 设计 28 A sparkling symphony of cuts and colours 切工和色彩共谱非凡交响乐 32HUB 生产基地 32 Resilience and ingenuity in Thailand’s coloured gem sector 泰国彩宝业展现无比韧性与独创力