MARKET INTELLIGENCE 市场情报 JNA March/April 2025 | 43 There is a marked increase in consumer interest in coloured gemstones. The market is reacting to that, and we are working to meet the needs of our coloured gemstone clients as part of our mission to ensure public trust in gems and jewellery. Emerald crystal in matrix. Photo by Robert Weldon, GIA. 基质中的祖母绿晶体。照片由 GIA的Robert Weldon拍摄 On top of its game The institute constantly evaluates new instrumentation, technology and techniques to advance its coloured gemstone services. These advancements are also supported by GIA’s extensive database of information on an expansive range of coloured gemstones from various locales, coupled with expert insights. In addition, GIA is always on the lookout for new gems and new treatments in its identification laboratories around the world and in its scientific research. For instance, GIA discovered nickel-diffused spinel in a group of samples examined by its researchers at its Bangkok facility in 2023. The stones were represented as being cobalt diffused, a treatment that had been known for some years. Chemical analysis using laser ablation– inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) however revealed that some of these stones were diffused with nickel instead of cobalt, a process that had not been reported until then. “We are applying what we learned from studying this previously unknown process to examine whether diffusion with other as-yet-not-seen elements may be used for other coloured gemstones,” remarked McClure. For many years, GIA used advanced statistical techniques and modeling to analyse the information it collects, which helped refine the lab’s identification processes. The advent of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) could potentially revolutionise these methods for gemmological labs. While GIA is actively investigating the possibility of AI’s useful applications in the identification and evaluation of coloured gemstones, McClure said the role of trained, experienced experts is and will remain vital to the rigorous evaluation of coloured gemstones. Moving forward, GIA will work to further increase the capacity of its coloured gemstone services to reduce service time while maintaining the precision and independence that the trade and consumers value and expect from it, noted McClure. 以祖母绿报告改良版为例,它展示了GIA如何善用经验 和专业知识来满足市场需求。 彩色宝石报告和相关服务已成为GIA的焦点,不断优化 水平是其长远的目标。 McClure分享道:“我们正在研究可否将彩色宝石原产地 鉴定服务从天然红宝石、蓝宝石、祖母绿、帕拉伊巴碧玺、红 色尖晶石和亚力山大石扩展到欧泊、翠榴石和橄榄石。” 宝石鉴定先驱 为了改善服务素质,GIA持续评估新型仪器和技术,并以 不同地区的庞大宝石数据库和专家见解作为后盾。 此外,遍及全球的GIA鉴定所和科学研究项目,亦不断寻 找崭新的宝石种类和加工方式。 2023年,GIA的研究人员对曼谷一批据称经过钴扩散处 理的尖晶石进行检测时,发现了经镍扩散处理的样本。研究 人员使用激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(LA-ICP-MS)进 行的化学分析显示,部分宝石中呈现镍扩散而非常见的钴 扩散,以往未有文献记载。McClure指出:“我们受到这个前所 未见的加工手法所启发,继而检验其他尚未见过的元素扩散 工序能否应用于其他宝石。” 多年来,GIA使用先进的统计技术和模型来分析信息,以 优化其鉴定流程。机器学习和人工智慧(AI)可能会彻底改变 宝石学鉴定所的检测方式。 GIA正积极研究人工智慧在识别和评估彩色宝石方面的 潜在应用,McClure亦表示,经过严格训练且拥有丰富经验 的专家,对于宝石的仔细评估过程仍然担任重要角色。 McClure表示,GIA将致力提升彩色宝石服务,以缩短服务 时间,同时保持业界和消费者同样重视的精确度和独立性。 GIA美国宝石研究院正计划拓展其彩色宝石报告和 服务种类,以涵盖更多品种。鉴于市面上的彩宝加 工技术层出不穷,GIA以此为服务焦点,並持续关 注宝石的处理方式,推出全新的报告类别。 在2024年12月,GIA就推出祖母绿报告改良版,客户可 自选填充物鉴定服务。而回溯至2023年,《玉石鉴定报告》面 世时获得一致好评,且令GIA的报告用语与业界保持统一, 包括添加专门部分说明玉石类型定义,并在适用的情况下 列明业界常用词汇“翡翠”。 GIA有色宝石服务全球总监Shane F. McClure称:“在过 去十年,尤其是自2022年以来,我们的彩色宝石报告和服务 需求显著上升。” 此外,GIA还提供广受欢迎的《彩色宝石鉴定报告》和《彩 色宝石鉴定与原产地报告》。 GIA凭借其全球影响力、广泛的研究项目,以及持续与业 界交流,在行业的发展洪流下一枝独秀。该机构亦以丰富的 知识和洞见为基础,传递行业信息,保障消费者权益和开发 全新服务。