JNA March/April 2025

MARKET INTELLIGENCE 市场情报 42 | JNA March/April 2025 institute unveiled The GIA Jade Report, which was wellreceived in the market. The new Jade Report aligned GIA’s reporting nomenclature with the trade, including a dedicated section to detail the type of jade and, when appropriate, the trade term “Fei Cui.” “Over the last decade and particularly since 2022, we have seen significantly increasing demand for our coloured gemstone reports and services,” revealed Shane McClure, global director, Colored Stone Services at GIA. The lab also offers the highly popular GIA Colored Stone Identification Report and GIA Colored Stone Identification and Origin Report. GIA's global reach, extensive research programme and constant engagement with the trade are critical to staying on top of industry developments. In turn, this vast repository of knowledge and insight is utilised to disseminate information, protect consumers and develop new services. The enhanced emerald report, for instance, is a shining example of how GIA leverages its experience and expertise to respond to the needs of the trade, added McClure. With the spotlight on coloured gemstone services, the institute is eyeing further improvements to its existing reports and services. “We are working to determine if it would be feasible to expand our coloured gemstone origin services beyond natural ruby, sapphire, emerald, Paraiba tourmaline, red spinel and alexandrite to such gemstones as opal, demantoid and peridot,” shared McClure. The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) is planning to expand its coloured gemstone reports and services to include a wider range of specimens as market appetite for coloured gemstones continues to gain steam. GIA has been strengthening its focus on coloured gemstones by introducing new reports and constantly innovating to stay ahead of new gemstone treatments. In December last year, GIA announced an enhancement to its emerald reports, offering an option to identify filler material, should such material be detected. In 2023, the Rough and polished emeralds. The rough is courtesy of Thomas M. Schneider. Photo by Robert Weldon, GIA 祖母 绿原石和抛光祖母绿。原石由 Thomas M. Schneider提供。照 片由GIA的Robert Weldon拍摄 GIA用心钻研更全面的 宝石服务 GIA eyes more comprehensive coloured gem services Citing robust consumer demand for coloured gemstones, the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) is aiming to offer more extensive services to meet the market’s evolving needs. 消费者对彩色宝石 越发渴求,推动了GIA美国宝石研究院提供更 全面的服务,以迎合不断变化的市场需求。