JNA March/April 2025

HUB 生产基地 38 | JNA March/April 2025 印度在全球宝石和珠宝行业中,影响力依然非 凡。印度宝石和珠宝出口促进委员会(GJEPC) 称,该国在2023至2024财年的宝石和珠宝出口 额达到320亿美元,位居世界主要珠宝市场之列。 该财年期间,印度国内珠宝消费额亦高达850亿美 元,单是钻饰消费已达85亿美元。GJEPC透露,到了2030 年,印度珠宝市场的规模将飙升至1,300亿美元。 德勤于2024年1月发布的另一份报告《闪耀的成就: 印度宝石和珠宝业之复兴》也得出同样乐观的结论。 该研究显示,印度受到内需旺盛、经济发展蓬勃和政 府加大投资力度的推动下,珠宝行业的规模到了2035财 年将达到2,250亿至2,450亿美元。 尽管宏观挑战持续,德勤预计印度仍将成为增长最快 的主要经济体之一,并朝着有利于企业成长的方向发展, 特别是珠宝等行业。 世界黄金协会(WGC)将2024年形容为印度展现韧性 的一年。《2024年全球黄金需求趋势》报告指出,印度在 2024年的金饰需求下降了2%,主要原因是金价高企。 The way forward According to a survey by Deloitte, which compares consumer trends in India between 2023 and 2024, there is a dynamic interplay between tradition and modernity in the Indian jewellery market. “Gold remains the dominant choice, particularly for weddings and investments, while younger demographics are driving demand for contemporary, everyday designs and sustainable alternatives such as lab-grown diamonds,” the survey revealed. Other findings point to varying consumer preferences: Younger buyers gravitate towards minimalist and everyday jewellery and prefer sustainable options, while a more mature audience with higher discretionary income favour investment-grade purchases. “In conclusion, the Indian jewellery sector is positioned for sustained growth, driven by favourable economic conditions, regulatory support and evolving consumer preferences,” noted Deloitte. “Regulatory compliance and adaptation to market trends will be essential for businesses to capitalise on the expanding opportunities in this sector.” Meanwhile, Dvash underscored India’s “tremendous potential” owing to its long and rich tradition of buying diamonds, gemstones and jewellery. It is also the largest country in the world by population. “The issue is that it is a closed market, with taxes on imported diamonds preventing other players from participating in the market. Governments should discuss this issue in an effort to open the Indian consumer market to diamonds from other places,” shared Dvash. For his part, Bhansali remains optimistic about further growth in India’s gem and jewellery exports moving ahead, backed by strong recovery and expansion in key markets. Growth will likely be driven by FTAs with the UAE, Australia and potential agreements with the UK, Europe and GCC, which will enhance market access and reduce trade barriers, he stated. Challenges such as a global economic slowdown and supply chain disruptions due to geopolitical events, however, remain. A combination of local economic growth, resilient demand and continued innovations in the trade could help offset such headwinds. Meanwhile, gold prices will play a crucial role in Indian jewellery demand in 2025, WGC said. While weddings could provide some support to jewellery demand, price volatility will ultimately influence buying decisions going forward, it added. India is a country that understands diamonds. Ninety per cent of the diamonds in the world are cut and polished in India. The country has the expertise, the knowledge and a culture that welcomes diamonds, so India is critical to the revitalisation of the natural diamond industry. – Yoram Dvash, president of the World Federation of Diamond Bourses 6.4% Expected growth in India’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2024-2025, according to data from the country’s Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation 根据印度统计和计划实施部的数 据,2024至2025年印度国内生产总值(GDP)的预计增长率