JNA March/April 2025

DESIGN设计 JNA March/April 2025 | 29 Jewellers are embracing their playful spirit with ultra-unique designs featuring a dynamic mix of colours, textures and special cuts. Bold splashes of colour perfectly set in gleaming gold result in these irresistible statement pieces. Designers are also blurring the line between jewellery and art, highlighting buyers’ penchant for creativity and innovation. Of course, modern sophistication and unparallelled craftsmanship remain at the heart of each exquisite design. 许多珠宝品牌将色彩、质感和特殊切割巧妙融 合,打造出别具特色、玩趣十足的高级珠宝。大胆绚丽的彩宝镶嵌在熠熠生辉的黄金上,成就一件件 令人心醉的杰作。设计师不断模糊珠宝与艺术品之间的界限,以满足买家对新颖设计的追求。然而, 不论怎样天马行空的设计,现代精致感和精湛工艺始终是这些作品的核心价值所在。 ‘Nile Lotus’ necklace and earrings in 18-karat yellow gold with sapphires and lapis lazuli from Anty’s Pharaoh’s Grace Collection Anty’s Pharaoh’s Grace系列的Nile Lotus 18K黄金项链和耳环,镶蓝宝石和青金石 ‘Question’ earrings in 18-karat yellow gold with Mozambique rubies and stripes of black enamel inlay from Rachel Quinn x Gemfields Collection Rachel Quinn x Gemfields系列的 Question 18K黄金耳环,镶嵌莫桑比克红 宝石和黑色珐琅条纹 House of Gübelin’s ‘Tanzanian Sunrise’ necklace adorned with a 22.08-carat cushion-shaped red spinel centre stone and further accented with orange and rose spinel stones, pink sapphires, rubies and diamonds 古宝琳珠宝的“坦桑尼亚的日出”项链,以一颗重22.08克 拉的枕形红色尖晶石为主石,并缀有橘色和粉红色尖晶 石、粉红色蓝宝石、红宝石和钻石 24-karat gold ring with diamonds from Chow Tai Fook’s HUÁ Collection 周大福传承系列的24K金镶钻戒指