JNA March/April 2025

INSIGHT 睿智角度 JNA March/April 2025 | 27 Jewelmer’s Lumière de l'Infini Crown 后冠 overseeing the brand’s jewellery production, from design to craftsmanship. One important lesson is gratitude over entitlement, she noted. “Every day, we are taught the importance of not taking anything for granted. Harvesting a pearl is never a guarantee as nature controls much of the process – a humble reminder to stay grounded,” explained Marion. Women leaders should similarly possess strength, grit, adaptability and the ability to foster a women-empowered workplace. Marion remarked, “To acknowledge their contributions and encourage their growth opportunities is to celebrate emerging female leaders.” This is reflected within Jewelmer’s operations, where 83 per cent of farm managers are women. Next-gen buyers Younger consumers are embracing the pearl’s evolution from a traditional gem to a more versatile and modern jewellery centrepiece. Marion is attributing this shift to more contemporary designs, authentic storytelling and the pearl’s growing reputation as the ultimate sustainable gem. As such, Jewelmer is turning its attention to younger ambassadors who strongly appeal to millennial consumers. The company also continues to seek strategic partnerships with brands across the art, entertainment and cultural industries. “These collaborations are designed to go beyond traditional marketing, integrating pearls into the daily lives and experiences of younger audiences,” added Marion. A strong online presence through e-commerce platforms and social media, meanwhile, equates to more opportunities to discover the story of the South Sea pearl. Jewelmer regularly engages with the market through its website and other social platforms to keep its clients updated and to attract potential customers with its exquisite pearl jewellery collections. “Through these initiatives, pearls become more than just accessories; they are woven into the fabric of contemporary culture, appealing to younger consumers who value authenticity, sustainability and personal expression,” remarked Marion. Marion表示:“环球小姐大赛的联合持有者Raúl Rocha Cantú将其形容为‘环球小姐史上最美丽的后冠’,从而提 升了人们对南洋金珠以至菲律宾艺术与文化的欣赏。” 最近,该公司开设了仅限预约的私人贵宾室Maison Jewelmer,令高级珍珠首饰爱好者的选购体验大幅升华。 用心领导 Marion的领导风格深受她的家庭启发。她的父亲是法 国珍珠养殖者Jacques Branellec,在1979年与菲律宾企 业家Manuel Cojuangco携手创办Jewelmer。Marion的哥 哥Jacques Christophe Branellec是Jewelmer的首席执行 官,负责公司整体业务,从珍珠养殖运营到国际市场拓展。 她的妹妹Gaelle Branellec则担任高级副总裁兼创意总监, 掌管品牌珠宝的设计与制作。 家中的谆谆教诲让她怀有一颗谦卑感恩的心。她解释 道:“每天我们都被灌输一个重要的道理,就是万物并非理 所当然。孕育珍珠的大部分过程都由大自然控制,因此收 获不是必然——这点提醒我们保持谦虚,脚踏实地。” 女性领导者应当具备力量、勇气、灵活多变,以及营造 女性自强的职场环境。Marion表示:“承认女性领导者的 贡献和鼓励其成长,就是对她们最好的嘉许。”这一点在 Jewelmer的运营中也有所体现,其女性农场经理的占比 高达83%。 新一代消费格局 年轻的消费者对珍珠的新形象相当受落,认为它已从 传统宝石演变成形象更多元化的现代瑰宝。Marion将此归 功于其时髦设计、真诚动人的故事,以及珍珠作为可持续 宝石的显赫声誉。 因此,Jewelmer正积极寻找能够吸引千禧世代消费者 的年轻品牌大使,还与艺术、娱乐和文化领域的品牌建立 合作伙伴关系。“这些合作项目旨在超越传统营销,将珍珠 融入年轻人的日常生活和体验之中。”Marion补充道。 与此同时,电子商务平台和社交媒体所凝聚的强大影 响力,令人们有更多机会探索南洋珠的故事。Jewelmer透 过其网站和社交平台定期与消费者互动,借此发放最新消 息,并透过精致的首饰系列吸引潜在客户。 Marion补充:“珍珠不再只是奢华配饰,更融入了当代 文化的脉络之中,深深吸引重视真实性、可持续发展和个 人风格的年轻消费者。” Marion Branellec-De Guzman出身自拥有数十 年历史的菲律宾南洋金珠王国Jewelmer,并于 2016年加入家族企业。她具备与生俱来的营销 触角和沟通技巧,而这正是令珍珠业务成功的关键要素。 身为Jewelmer的首席营销官,Marion认为其成功支柱 在于家族灌输的感恩之心和对真善美的追求,还有历练而 成的领导思维。 Jewelmer在马尼拉呈献“东方之珠”(Pearl of the Orient)展览,将菲律宾国宝级南洋珠的励志旅程娓娓道 来。生产一颗南洋金珠历经377个步骤,需时长达五年,当 中的坚毅和奉献精神,在展览中极致呈现,使观众深入认 识珍珠及其对环境保护的作用。这展览自举办以来,获得 相当正面的评价。 2024年,Jewelmer隆重呈献Lumière de l'Infini后冠, 是史上首个菲律宾制造兼缀以南洋金珠的环球小姐后冠。