INSIGHT 睿智角度 JNA March/April 2025 | 25 Papillion earrings by Autore Autore出品的Papillion耳环 innovation by allowing my team to take ownership of their work while providing guidance and support.” She regards resilience, empathy and vision as qualities that define a strong female leader. Leading by example also goes a long way in managing a team. “The luxury market is ever-changing, and staying ahead requires flexibility, problem-solving and a willingness to embrace new ideas. I encourage my team to view challenges as opportunities for growth and to always think strategically,” she added. Moving forward Looking ahead, Ruby sees brilliant opportunities in sustainability, innovation and digital transformation in the pearl trade. Autore’s goal is to stay at the forefront of such developments. Further refining Autore’s sustainable farming practices and ensuring that pearl cultivation aligns with the highest environmental standards are top priorities in the new year, according to Ruby. The group will also focus on design innovation to reposition pearls as a trendy, fashion-forward luxury piece especially among a younger clientele. “I want to continue challenging traditional notions of pearl jewellery by creating modern, wearable and versatile designs,” remarked Ruby. As Ruby’s star continues to rise in the pearl trade, she offers useful advice to young women aspiring to make their mark in the industry. An effective female leader believes in her vision, stays curious and is never afraid to challenge the norm, she noted, adding that while rich in heritage, the pearl industry always welcomes innovation and fresh perspectives. “Most importantly, lead with passion and purpose. Whether you are designing, marketing or managing, your unique perspective is valuable. The future of pearls – and luxury as a whole – will be shaped by those who dare to redefine tradition while honouring its beauty,” shared Ruby. Ruby Autore以翩然之姿加入Autore,为父亲 Rosario于1991年创立的垂直整合南洋珠企业开 创一片新气象。 她现在是Autore的营销主管兼国际珠宝经理,在过 去13年推出了不少成功的企划和发展大计,其中Autore Moda由她一手创立,更担任其创意总监。 “这是最令我自豪的成就之一。”Ruby分享道。Autore Moda是Autore旗下的现代珍珠首饰部门,致力吸引更多 年轻顾客,同时贯彻Autore的独特工艺美学。 Autore Moda在2022年于悉尼双湾开设了第一家零 售门店。 该公司亦成功在大型电视剧和电影中进行置入式产 品营销,当中包括《夏洛特王后:柏捷顿家族前传》和《金 融业实录》,今年稍后还有《欲望城市:华丽下半场》、《晨 间直播秀》和《科学怪人》。 “全球观众看到这些具影响力的人士佩戴Autore珍 珠首饰,自然会对品牌产生强烈的兴趣。”Ruby解释道。 数字优先的营销模式是另一个里程碑。Ruby表示,电 子商务和社交媒体推动了品牌的参与度和销售额,并为 珍珠赋予更现代化的形象。这些举措对Autore产生了革 命性的影响:全球业务扩张促进建立新的合作伙伴关系, 并提升了该公司在珍珠行业的地位;而Autore Moda则扩 大了客户群,同时满足高级珠宝收藏家和轻奢消费者的 需求。 自主自信‧创造力量 Ruby相信,合作和赋权是团队领导的关键。她指出: “只有在鼓励创新的环境中,才能激发创造力。我让团队 在工作上拥有充分的掌握和发挥空间,并给予适当的指 导和支持,借此培育创新文化。” 在她眼中,韧性、同理心和高瞻远瞩都是强大女性领 袖的特质,管理团队时以身作则也能够事半功倍。 “奢侈品市场瞬息万变,我们必须灵活变通、有效解 决问题以及接受新事物,才能保持领先地位。我鼓励团 队将挑战视为成长的机遇,并持续实践策略性思维。”她 补充道。 把握愿景‧开创未来 放眼珍珠行业的未来,Ruby认为业者应把握可持续 性、创新发展和数字转型的机遇,而Autore正致力保持领 先地位。 2025年的首要任务是优化可持续珍珠养殖,以确保 合乎最严谨的环境标准。 Autore也将专注在创新设计方面,把珍珠重新定位为 前卫时尚的奢侈品,令年轻顾客趋之若鹜。Ruby说:“我希 望创造易于搭配的摩登设计,继续革新珍珠首饰的形象。” 身为一位崭露头角的业界领导者,Ruby也为渴望闯 一番事业的年轻女性给予实用的建议。她指出,一位真正 的女性领袖相信自己的愿景,保持好奇心,并且敢于挑战 常规。珍珠行业虽然历史悠久,但也欢迎创新思维。 “最重要的是拥有热忱和明确的目标。无论您是设 计师、营销人员还是管理阶层,独特的视角都是珍贵的个 人资产。珍珠以至整个奢侈品行业的未来,将由那些敢于 重新定义传统,同时懂得美其美的先驱者来开创。”Ruby 分享道。