JNA January/February 2025

ADVERTORIAL软文 JNA January/February 2025 | 7 Sustainable development is the overarching compass for business growth in today’s global economy. In keeping with this trend, Platinum Guild International (PGI®) is committed to fostering a collective approach to drive sustainable growth in the platinum jewellery industry. In November 2024, PGI organised a China Platinum Jewellery Forum with the theme “Charting The Future With Responsible Platinum,” on the sidelines of the World Jewellery Confederation (CIBJO) Congress 2024 in Shanghai, China. The event brought together domestic and international jewellery industry experts and leaders as well as representatives of leading organisations and renowned brands to discuss the sustainable development of the industry. Delegates noted that China is currently undergoing a consumption upgrade underpinned by a resilient and robust consumer market, which sets a solid foundation for growth. Government policies are also aligned with sustainable development strategies. Affirming the need for a responsible supply chain, participants advocated for clear standards for responsible production and operations in the platinum jewellery sector while leveraging technological innovation to integrate more sustainable practices based on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles. They likewise underscored the importance of enhancing traceability in areas such as products, production and raw materials, and highlighted the attributes of responsible platinum. They also called for stronger industry-wide collaboration to build a sustainable supply chain. Collective advocacy for responsible platinum At the forum, PGI and five industry stakeholders signed the “Declaration for Responsible and Sustainability Principles of China’s Platinum Jewellery Industry,” which maps out the pathways for healthy and high-quality growth within the sector. This was witnessed by the National Gems & Jewellery Testing Co Ltd (NGTC) and the National Standardization Technical Committee 256 on Jewellery of SAC (SAC/TC 256). The Declaration reaffirms the core values and principles of implementing sustainable strategies, highlights industry guidelines and standards, and steers collective efforts across the industry to embrace accountability towards society, the environment and consumers. PGI China Managing Director Pui P. Poon said, “The platinum jewellery industry stands at a critical juncture, facing both opportunities and challenges. With sustainable development emerging as a market imperative, PGI is intent on implementing best practices to uphold ESG principles. We strive to cultivate a healthy industry ecosystem and foster industry partnerships towards a sustainable future.” 顺应全球经济以可持续发展为导向的大趋势,国际 铂金协会(PGI®)积极联动全行业,鼓励业界以“负 责任”的态度推动铂金首饰行业的永续发展。 2024年11月,在中国上海举行的国际珠宝首饰联合会 (CIBJO)大会期间,协会成功举办了“铂金向前・负责任”中国 论坛。论坛云集国内外珠宝行业专家、领军人物及权威机构 和知名品牌代表,从全球视野和中国实际情况等不同维度, 探索中国铂金首饰行业的可持续发展路径。 专家们指出,目前中国正处于消费升级的重要阶段,消 费市场展现强大韧性与潜力,为行业发展构建了稳固的基 础。政府出台系列政策也鼓励全面落实可持续发展战略。可 持续发展已然成为行业实现高质量发展的必由之路。 专家们认为以负责任思维规范珠宝行业的供应链尤为 重要。针对铂金首饰行业,可考虑通过共同倡导“负责任”铂 金,明确生产及运营标准,促进负责任的生产和制造。同时, 业界可利用创新技术优化产业链,并将绿色生产贯穿各环 节,落实环境、社会和治理(ESG)理念;还应著力实现产品、 生产、原料等不同环节的可追溯性,注重发挥“绿色”铂金、 “负责任”铂金等特性。通过全行业协作,共筑可持续发展 的生态产业链。 全行业共同倡导负责任铂金 在国家珠宝玉石首饰检验集团有限公司和全国首饰标 准化技术委员会见证下,由协会发起,六家行业代表机构及 品牌共同签署了《中国铂金首饰行业可持续发展宣言》,为 中国铂金首饰行业的长远发展指明方向。 《宣言》旨在明确中国铂金首饰行业实行可持续发展战 略的核心价值和理念、增强行业的凝聚力、强调从业指导规 范和标准,并引导全行业共同行动,积极承担对社会、环境 和消费者的责任。 国际铂金协会(PGI®)中国区董事总经理潘佩佩女士表 示:“铂金首饰行业发展机遇与挑战并存。在可持续发展成 为市场趋势下,协会积极深化ESG理念的实践,力争构建健 康、良性的行业生态,推动行业携手共进,迈向美好未来。” Signing ceremony of the “Declaration for Responsible and Sustainability Principles of China’s Platinum Jewellery Industry” 《中国铂金首饰行业可持续发展宣言》签署现场 Platinum Guild International (PGI®) at the forefront of sustainable platinum jewellery development 国际铂金协会(PGI®)引領铂金首饰行业可持续发展