FOCUS 焦点 24 | JNA September/October 2024 Intricate, handmade gold jewellery pieces are among the Philippines’ main contributions to the market. Filigree work and tambourine motifs dominate gold jewellery production, with handmade heritage jewellery techniques counting among the country’s strengths. Cecilia Ramos, chairperson of the Meycauayan Jewelry Industry Association and owner of Ricel’s Jewellery, said, “We cannot compete with other fine jewellery centres but have our own design strengths that appeal to international buyers seeking distinctive jewellery. Most of our jewellery has an antique look and is produced by hand – there is nothing like Philippine filigree. The wires we use are as thin as a strand of hair and the techniques are passed down from generation to generation.” Handmade jewellery, however, comes with high labour costs. Philippine manufacturers have thus been on the lookout for machines that can help produce the thin gold wires needed for the filigree technique, she continued. Export efforts Aside from heritage jewellery, the Philippines also exports pearl jewellery, classic gold jewellery with diamonds, and gold college and company rings. According to Ramos, the US is the Philippines’ top market. It also gets business from Japan and the United Kingdom among others. She acknowledged that many international markets gravitate towards lighter-weight jewellery but believed the Philippines’ offerings would still have a solid following among those seeking distinctive designs and interesting techniques. “Our association has been participating in international trade fairs to promote the Philippines as a potential source of jewellery. Due to the nature of our products, which usually have a handmade component, we can only fulfil small and medium-sized orders,” Ramos declared. “But Philippine jewellery will definitely be a standout addition to any retailer’s inventory.” 东南亚是历史悠久的黄金制造和消费中心,与大多 数亚洲市场一样,当地人视之为累积财富和抵消 通胀的最佳方式。 今年的曼谷东盟珠宝首饰展览会上,东盟宝石与珠宝贸 易协会(AGJA)副主席Ermin Siow强调东盟国家在金饰行业 中的战略角色。 他表示,东盟连同中国和印度这两个伙伴国家,构成了 全球最大的黄金市场。Siow引述Metal Focus的数据指出, 东盟十国之中,越南、印度尼西亚和泰国跻身全球十大黄金 消费市场。 就2023年的全新金饰消费量而言,印度尼西亚、越南和 马来西亚分别有25.1公吨、15.1公吨和11.3公吨,在区内处 于领先位置。泰国和新加坡紧随其后,分别有9.2公吨和7.2 公吨。 “回收黄金是我们日常零售贸易的重要组成部分。在马 来西亚,旧金换新金业务占近40%。因此实际上,金饰总消费 量比这些数字高出约30%至40%,显示东盟地区在金饰消费 方面拥有巨大潜力。”Siow解释道。他兼任马来西亚金钻珠 宝商公会联合总会(FGJAM)顾问。 另一方面,泰国和越南的实体黄金消费量位居榜首,在 购买黄金进行投资上远超马来西亚和新加坡。 Siow指出,东南亚也是金饰制造领域的龙头地区。Metal Focus的数据显示,马来西亚在2023年的金饰产量为30.3公 吨,位列第一,印度尼西亚和泰国为第二和第三位,产量分 别达26.8公吨和23.3公吨。越南紧随其后,产量为16公吨,新 加坡则有3.8公吨。 Siow透露:“马来西亚的金饰出口量实际上超过了消费 量。当地主要生产22K金饰,出口量几乎是当地消费量的 两倍。” 另外,主要生产23K金饰的泰国,出口量低于当地消费 量。Siow说:“泰国可能是全球唯一一个钟情于23K金的国 家。无论在中东、新加坡或马来西亚,22K金都备受追捧。” 需求持续 尽管金价高企,东南亚市场对金饰的需求依然强劲 。 Siow向《JNA亚洲珠宝》透露,今年春节期间,马来西亚和新 加坡的珠宝商成绩斐然,部分达到破纪录的销售额。 Gold tambourine necklace featuring traditional handmade filigree techniques by Ricel’s Jewellery的铃鼓项链,以传统细金工艺制成 High gold prices do not affect the consumers' intent to purchase. It does not deter them from buying, though they may choose lighter items. To them, gold jewellery is an investment that they can actually enjoy wearing and can sell if needed. - Ermin Siow, vice president of the ASEAN Gems and Jewellery Trade Association