JNA September/ October 2024

SPOTLIGHT 市场聚焦 JNA September/October 2024 | 73 Hari Krishna Exports Pvt Ltd for Environmental Stewardship (环境管理类别) Hari Krishna has intensified its environmental conservation efforts through Mission 102030, aiming to plant 10 million trees in India by 2030. By February 2024, the initiative already saw over 2.8 million trees planted, yielding tangible benefits such as improved air quality, healthier soils and enhanced biodiversity in the region. This success was a result of community outreach, educational programmes and hands-on planting activities. Another exceptional project, Mission 100x, saw Hari Krishna helping alleviate water scarcity in drought-prone Gujarat. With the help of 400 volunteers, the company constructed close to 150 lakes, benefiting over 300,000 farmers. The project also increased water storage capacity by 15 billion litres across 20 villages and transformed 250 acres of arid land into a beautiful lake, forming a Panch Ganga Triveni – Sangam. Hari Krishna的“Mission 102030”计划旨在加强环境保 护工作,目标是到了2030年,在印度种植1,000万棵树木。 截至2024年2月,该计划已种植了超过280万棵树,并带 来了实际的效益,例如提升当地的空气质量、更健康的土壤 和加强生物多样性,是结合社区外展、教育方案和实际种植 活动的成果。 另一个杰出的项目是“Mission 100x”,帮助缓解常遇旱 灾的古吉拉特邦的缺水问题。在400名义工群策群力下,公 司建设了近150个湖泊,惠及超过300,000农户。 该项目还使20个村庄的储水量增加了150亿升,并将 250英亩的干旱土地变成了一个美丽的湖泊。 Additional details about the winners, the Jury’s Special Recognition awardees and the finalists can be found at JWAwards.com. 有关获奖者、评审团特别嘉许奖得主和决赛入围者的更多信息,请浏览JWAwards.com。 Vector Trading for Community Engagement (社区参与类别) Vector Trading, a Hong Kong-based gemstone company powered by a five-member team, took on a unique mission in Myanmar during the pandemic. They adopted a hands-on approach, going “door-to-door” to provide vital support to gemstone cutters and polishers in the townships of Mogok and Mong Hsu. This initiative ensured that the workers and their families had access to adequate food, education and stable livelihoods throughout the challenges of the Covid-19 years. Given the absence of established community organisations at that time, the company adapted by assessing and addressing the most urgent needs of these families, collaborating closely with the local population. The “team leadership” comprised three full-time employed cutters, bolstered by supportive friends who provided assistance as required. Vector Trading是一家设于中国香港的宝石公司,团队 由五人组成,于新冠疫情期间在缅甸承担了独特的使命。他 们采取了亲力亲为的方式,挨家挨户为抹谷(Mogok)和孟素 (Mong Hsu)的宝石切割师和抛光师提供重要支持,确保他 们及家人在疫情期间能够获得足够的食物、教育和稳定的 生计。鉴于当时没有成熟的社区组织,该公司与当地居民紧 密合作,评估和解决这些家庭迫切的需求。宝石公司表示: “项目完全建基于利益相关者的参与和合作。如果没有社 区领袖的指导,我们的外展工作的成效必定有所不足。‘团 队领导层’由三名全职雇用的切割师组成,在有需要时他们 会寻求朋友的支持。” emissions for its diamond crafting facilities by the end of 2024. SRK’s focus on reducing carbon emissions is at the heart of its ongoing efforts. Of particular note are SRK’s flagship facilities, SRK Empire and SRK House, both holding LEED Platinum certifications. Through continuous enhancements and real-time monitoring of energy usage, water consumption, waste management, transportation practices and occupant satisfaction, these buildings consistently rank among the world’s highest-performing LEED-certified structures, surpassing thousands of certified buildings globally. Shree Ramkrishna Exports Pvt Ltd (SRK)将科学基础目 标倡议(SBTi)作为其可持续发展战略核心,决意设定有科学 依据的减排目标,并努力在2024年底前,实现其钻石工艺设 施的凈零排放。 SRK的项目聚焦减少碳排放,其旗舰设施SRK Empire和 SRK House均取得LEED铂金级认证。通过持续改良和实时 监控能源使用、用水量、废物管理、运输和用户满意度,这些 建筑一直位居环球高性能LEED认证建筑之列,超越了环球 数以千计的认证建筑。 Special Recognition Awards 特别嘉许奖: