JNA September/ October 2024

SPOTLIGHT 市场聚焦 JNA September/October 2024 | 69 This year’s Sustainability Awards by JWA (Jewellery World Awards) will be presented to seven winners, two special recognition awardees and 13 finalists whose actions – both big and small – exemplify the principles of being good for business, good for the community and good for the planet. Organised by Informa Markets Jewellery, the awards programme celebrates outstanding sustainability efforts implemented by enterprises in the fine jewellery, gemstone and related industries. The awardees and finalists represent a diverse range of countries and regions, namely Australia, Brazil, China, Hong Kong, India, the Philippines, the US and Vietnam. "Each of our Sustainability Award winners and finalists has a unique story to tell. However, they share one thing in common – their actions, regardless of scale or scope, contribute to making a real difference in the future of our planet," said Celine Lau, director of Jewellery Fairs at Informa Markets Jewellery. "Our awardees vary from companies with thousands of employees to a gemstone dealer with just five workers, demonstrating that the fundamental principles of sustainable development are achievable for businesses of all sizes." 今年的JWA可持续发展大奖表扬七家获奖企业、两 家特别嘉许企业和13名决赛入围者。得奖者推动 的可持续发展举措,无论规模大小,均印证了他 们为公司业务、社区和地球皆带来好处的原则。 奖项活动由Informa Markets Jewellery主办,旨在表彰 高级珠宝、宝石及相关行业的企业在可持续发展方面所作 出的杰出贡献,大奖共设有五个类别:环境管理奖、社会赋 权奖、制造创新奖、社区参与奖和可持续发展领袖奖。获奖 及入围企业来自世界各地,包括澳大利亚、巴西、中国内地、 中国香港、印度、菲律宾、美国和越南。 Informa Markets Jewellery珠宝展览部总监刘小雯表 示:“每一个获奖和入围企业,背后都有一个与别不同的故 事。但是,他们都有一个共通点:他们的行动,无论规模或 触及的范围如何,都为地球的未来带来了重要的改变。我们 表扬的企业包括拥有数千名员工的大公司,也有仅仅雇用 五名职员的宝石经销商。这正好表明,可持续发展的基本原 则,对于各种规模的企业都是切实可行的。” The Sustainability Awards 2024 by JWA (Jewellery World Awards) has named its champions – seven gem and jewellery enterprises that place environmental and community engagement at the core of their business. 2024年JWA可持续发展 大奖公布获奖名单,得奖的七家宝石和珠宝企业致力以环保和社区参与为核心发展。 Sustainability heroes in the limelight 可持续发展领袖名单揭盅 Winners of the Sustainability Awards 2024 by JWA JWA可持续发展大奖获奖名单 Award Category 大奖类别 Recipient 获奖企業 Environmental Stewardship 环境管理奖 VGL & Shop LC Global Inc Social Empowerment 社会赋权奖 Phu Nhuan Jewelry Joint Stock Company (PNJ) Manufacturing Innovation 制造创新奖 Shenzhen Shangshan Intelligence Co Ltd 深圳上善智能有限公司 Community Engagement 社区参与奖 Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group 周大福珠宝集团 Smiling Rocks Ltd Sustainability Leadership 可持续发展领袖奖 Fine Jewellery Manufacturing Ltd Shree Ramkrishna Exports Pvt Ltd (SRK)