JNA September/ October 2024

MARKET WATCH 市场观察 50 | JNA September/October 2024 Strategic branding Branding strategies also play a pivotal role in driving growth for Hong Kong jewellers. Chow of Chow Sang Sang shared, “Our main strategy involves developing products in the form of collections. The key is to promote product image through effective marketing, allowing customers to differentiate our products from those of competitors and choose their preferred items.” Lukfook also built sub-brands for their top-performing collections with dedicated shops. “Our branding strategy effectively targets our customers. For instance, we avoid opening multiple ‘Lukfook’ stores in a prime shopping location. Instead, we launch distinct sub-branded shops to attract specific customer segments,” Nancy explained. Chow Tai Fook, meanwhile, initiated a brand transformation in 2024, introducing new consumer-facing visuals and logo for both online and offline stores alongside new products and packaging. The company aims to redefine the jewellery brand to better resonate with the aspirations of its customers. As part of this transformation, all Chow Tai Fook Jewellery stores is undergoing a strategic refurbishment over the next five years, culminating in the celebration of the group’s 100th anniversary in 2029. It aims to further enrich consumer experiences by revitalising jewellery displays and the overall shopping journey. “We have achieved our target of opening retail outlets ahead of schedule and are now focusing on enhancing the efficiency of each store. This includes ensuring that product offerings are suited to the store's location, the staff service meets our standards and that customers are content, to name a few,” Kent said. Both Kent and Chow said their companies are assessing the performance of existing shops and optimising retail network and operations, emphasising the need for consolidation over rapid expansion. Despite current market conditions, jewellers are adapting to the ever-evolving retail landscape with optimism about further growth in mainland China and Hong Kong. 中国香港尚未回复疫情前的繁荣盛况,但该区的珠 宝零售市场持续表现出韧力,零售商积极在经济 波动中寻求推动业务的方法。 今年年初的珠宝销售有良好开局,1月至2月的销售额 同比增长8.8%至102亿港元(约13亿美元)。但乐观情绪未能 持续。特区政府最新的数据显示,上半年珠宝销售额下跌 12.8%至265亿港元(约34亿美元)。 主要珠宝商表示,零售额自4月开始放缓,归因于金价飙 升令消费者变得更加谨慎。世界黄金协会(WGC)的数据显示, 截至2024年8月13日,黄金价格已达每盎司2,471.55美元。 屡创新高的金价对销售业绩的影响可能只是暂时性的。 因为贵金属的固有价值和投资潜力,加上推陈出新的设计, 珠宝商预期黄金首饰的需求将保持强势,并推动业务增长。 周生生集团国际有限公司董事兼副总经理周允成表 示:“现时经济不景,面对楼市和股市的不明朗因素,消费者 转向保值的黄金。金饰销售强劲,支撑整体珠宝销售额。” 周大福珠宝集团董事总经理黄绍基所见略同,他引用该 集团《2023年珠宝消费趋势报告》的数据指出,64%的Z世代 消费者购买纯金首饰是为了自我犒奖或日常佩戴之用,可 见黄金的吸引力超越了文化和投资方面的考虑,这反映黄 金市场将持续成长。 现代金饰 中国香港的珠宝商积极推出新系列,以迎合中国内地和 中国香港这两个主要市场的消费者对金饰日益上升的需求。 他们特别提到近年金饰制造技术长足进步,发展出5D和 5G硬金等等,令珠宝设计更具灵活性,工艺师可发挥创意, 制作富现代感和与别不同的首饰,且特别适合日常佩戴。 六福集团(国际)有限公司执行董事兼副行政总裁黄兰诗 表示:“现在24K金饰可以镶嵌钻石、红宝石、祖母绿和其他 宝石。金饰的款式较以往更多样化,更精致时尚。” 黄兰诗解释道,六福主力开发更多款式吸引消费者。例 如,福满传家系列糅合了花丝镶嵌等传统工艺与现代设计, 而Goldstyle系列则以独家专利的金饰工艺打造时尚型格的 足金产品。此外,六福还有一系列较轻巧的金饰以供选择, 这些产品也有助应对高昂的金价。 周大福的黄绍基表示:“消费者转向购买更实惠的产品。 由于黄金的保值属性,他们倾向购买黄金。而精美新颖的设 计可提升产品的价值,吸引消费者买单。” Winston Chow, director and deputy general manager of Chow Sang Sang Holdings International Ltd; Chow Sang Sang store; gold pendant from Chow Sang Sang’s Cultural Blessing Collection 周生生集团国际有限公司董事兼副总经理周允成; 周生生专门店; 周生生文化祝福系 列的黃金吊坠