JNA September/ October 2024

62 STRATEGY 企业策略 62 Engaging with new buyers: Live sellers 直播销售商家吸引新买家 On the Cover 封面 This bold yet light spherical choker by Bulgari, named Aurea Chandra, comprises five rows of alternating pink gold and pavé-set diamond spheres. It is reminiscent of the house’s iconic 1980s Chandra Line, which embodied the spirit of the exuberant decade from when it was created. Also adorning the model is the Bulgari High Jewellery Serpenti bracelet in pink gold with buff-top onyx and diamonds. 这款宝格丽Aurea Chandra短项炼,由五行交替排 列的纯玫瑰金和密镶钻石球组成,以精湛工艺创作出夸张而轻盈的结构。品牌从其 1980年代的经典Chandra系列中汲取灵感,淋漓尽致地展现出品牌创立时首十年 锐意进取的创意精神。另外,模特儿佩戴的宝格丽高级珠宝Serpenti玫瑰金手镯,镶 嵌弧圆形切割安力士和钻石。 Digital version 电子版: https://news.jewellerynet.com/en/publications 84 Defining teal sapphires 蓝绿色蓝宝石之正名 86 Modernisation and heritage in Italian jewellery trade 意大利珠宝业之现代与传统 80 MARKET INTELLIGENCE 市场情报 80 Gem artists of Idar-Oberstein draw on tradition and innovation 德国宝石艺匠融会传统与创新 76 DESIGN 设计 76 Contemporary masterpieces 当代大师杰作 69 SPOTLIGHT 市场聚焦 69 Sustainability heroes in the limelight 可持续发展领袖名单揭盅 48 MARKET WATCH 市场观察 48 Hong Kong jewellery retailers adapting to the times 中国香港珠宝零售商与时并进 54 Southeast Asia's culture of jewellery 东南亚的珠宝文化