JNA September/ October 2024

INSIGHT 睿智角度 JNA September/October 2024 | 47 From these reports, an Environmental Management Plan, which involves regular monitoring of data parameters such as turbidity, pH levels, temperature and other important factors, is developed. This robust monitoring system enables Rio Pearl to manage pearl culturing and harvesting processes effectively as well as employ efficient waste management practices. In cases where an unusual data is observed or generated, Rio Pearl quickly initiates an action plan to identify the source of the issue and carry out solutions. Infrastructure at the pearl farms is also being enhanced. This includes greater access to electricity and development of the main road to connect the village with key facilities. Additionally, smaller roads and tube wells have been built. As part of efforts to foster sustainability, Rio Pearl has also put in place measures to reserve rainwater for future use, particularly during the rainy seasons. “We prioritise our partnership with nature and are dedicated to environmental responsibility and sustainability, which are essential for the pearl farming industry,” noted Cheng. Promising future Rio Pearl has made significant headways in all aspects of its pearl business. Over the years, it has fortified its pearl farming operations by way of critical investments in technology and new techniques while its auction business continues to grow from strength to strength. Rio Pearl’s auctions in Hong Kong and China continue to serve as the primary avenue to sell its pearl harvests, explained Cheng. Pearls play a fundamental role in the global gem and jewellery business. Meanwhile, the production of highquality and visually stunning pearls ensures a steady stream of customers, he continued. Innovation and technology, which have become pervasive global trends, continue to influence nearly every aspect of modern businesses, pearl companies included. In today's swiftly evolving landscape, companies are compelled to fully embrace these trends to remain competitive. “Technology's impact on business operations is profound. The pearl farming industry is no exception, as technological advancements improve farming techniques and enhance data analytics capabilities,” explained Cheng. Technology is also playing an increasingly important role in pearl auctions as it helps elevate the customer experience, enabling Rio Pearl to determine market preferences, improve marketing strategies and effectively present the pearls to a global customer base. 扎根于中国香港的丽雅珠行,在珍珠养殖技术、 可持续发展和产品创新方面,多年来贯彻其优 秀专业精神。 最近,该公司推出了两款革命性产品,在珍珠行业掀 起连番浪潮:彩虹南洋金珠和缅甸首批高品质南洋白珠 M White South Sea分别在2023年和2024年推出,主流市 场买家的反应相当热烈。 彩虹金珠呈现迷人的红色、粉色和绿色,在该公司 于中国内地和中国香港举行的2023年拍卖会上首次亮 相。M White South Sea南洋白珠则于2024年初问世。两 款珍珠均产自丽雅珠行位于缅甸丹老群岛原始水域的 养殖场。 丽雅珠行总经理郑俊鸿表示,该公司95%以上的彩虹 金珠和M White South Sea南洋白珠在2024年1月、3月和 6月的拍卖会上销售一空。这点证明了买家越来越热衷于 市场上的创新优良产品。 “彩虹金珠被誉为顶级珍珠,在全球各地广受追捧。” 他解释。“M White South Sea南洋白珠则是崇尚迷人光 泽的客户首选。” 丽雅珠行目前专注研发有效方案,以提升新款珍珠的 品质、外观,以及缅甸养殖场的产量。他们亦致力优化珍 珠的色调,以迎合不断变化的市场喜好。 郑俊鸿称缅甸白珠正处于初始阶段,因此有充分空间 作进一步发展。 可持续珍珠行业 作为珍珠产业的可持续发展先驱,丽雅珠行正在实施 针对有效沟通、资源配置和预防污染等政策。 郑俊鸿解释:“为了尽量减少在缅甸养殖珍珠对环境 造成的负面影响,我们定期委托第三方顾问进行环境影 响评估报告。” 报告能协助制定环境管理计划,以定期监测各种重要 的数据参数,包括浊度、pH值、温度等。 丽雅珠行凭借这个强大的监测系统,有效管理珍珠养 殖和收获过程,并高效实践废弃物管理措施。当该公司观 察到异常数据时,会迅速启动行动计划,以确定问题根源 并实施解决方案。 缅甸珍珠养殖场的基础设施也加以优化,例如改善 电力供应及开发主要道路,将村庄和主要设施连接起来。 此外,该公司还建造了一些小路和管井。为了促进可持 续发展,丽雅珠行还在雨季积极储备雨水留待将来使用。 “我们非常重视与大自然的协作关系,并致力于环 境责任和可持续发展,这对珍珠养殖业至关重要。”郑俊 鸿指出。 开创光辉前景 多年来,丽雅珠行的业务长足进步,一方面斥资开拓 崭新珍珠养殖技术,另一方面,其拍卖规模也不断壮大。 郑俊鸿表示,该公司在中国内地和中国香港的拍卖 会,仍然是销售珍珠产品的主要渠道。 珍珠是全球宝石和珠宝行业的核心领域。他亦指出, 推出惊艳绝伦的优质珍珠,将能确保客源滚滚而来。 创新技术已成为全球大趋势,并在多方面影响着珍珠 制造商和其他现代企业。在当今瞬息万变的环境中,企业 必须拥抱这股趋势,以保持竞争力。 他补充:“科技发展对业务运营的影响非常深远,珍珠 养殖业也不例外。高科技不单能够改善养殖技术,也提升 了数据分析能力。” 科技应用在珍珠拍卖会中也担当着日益重要的角色, 有助提升客户体验,使丽雅珠行能够确定消费者喜好、 改善行销策略,更有效地将珍珠产品呈献给全球客户群。 All pearl products by Rio Pearl 丽雅珠行的珍珠出品