INSIGHT 睿智角度 32 | JNA September/October 2024 Myanmar traditionally grows over 99 per cent golden South Sea pearls, so the emergence of these premium white South Sea pearls, which the company named M White South Sea, in Myanmar is truly revolutionary. A horizon of opportunities The pearl sector is poised for further growth, largely fuelled by solid consumer demand and sustained innovations. New pearl markets, meanwhile, are also a source of optimism. Bracher of Paspaley noted, “On a macro view, we see the emergence of a strong market in India as the biggest market-changing opportunity. Like China, India has a cultural affinity with pearls. India’s economic growth could unleash a wave of new demand to complement the existing markets.” Branellec, for his part, identified several key factors that could drive growth in the loose pearl and pearl jewellery business in the coming years. China, for instance, has displayed growing interest in South Sea pearls. “Our Chinese customers’ preferences are flourishing and maturing, and it is an honour to see their appreciation for the Philippine golden South Sea pearl,” shared Branellec. “The golden pearl symbolises prosperity and good fortune as depicted in Chinese artworks of dragons holding golden pearls in their mouths or claws.” Jewelmer’s sales are also steadily growing in Europe and South America, with notable increases in demand and appreciation for South Sea pearls in countries such as Brazil, specifically among young people. The company is looking to expand its presence into new markets over the coming months and years, with a primary focus on Southeast Asia. Bracher, meanwhile, zeroed in on mounting interest in pearls among young consumers, which he described as “expressly encouraging for the medium-and long-term outlook.” The pearl’s versatile allure and wearability are making them even more endearing to the younger market. Trendier, more contemporary jewellery designs alongside a compelling sustainability agenda also play a critical role in attracting this new buyer demographic. “To see them value authenticity is an encouraging indicator of the increasing awareness of such issues, and it is uplifting to see that the next generation is leaning towards environment-friendly practices,” remarked Branellec. South Sea pearls are also striking a chord with male consumers, which present further opportunities for growth and expansion. Amid ongoing market and geopolitical uncertainties, the key to sustaining growth and relevance in the trade is adding value to pearls, said JPEA's Kakuda. “Transparency has become a very important factor for buyers. They want to know if the pearls were produced under sustainable conditions. And we should be prepared to answer these questions as this will make our pearls even more valuable and sought after,” noted Kakuda. 在亚洲市场的需求带动下,2023年的全球珍珠业 务大幅攀升。买家对形状和光泽近乎完美的优 质珍珠爱不释手,小巧的珍珠也深受年轻人欢 迎。经典大气的设计仍然好评如潮,但消费者也越来越喜 爱非传统的时尚设计,令珍珠首饰更添前卫的气质。 年轻消费者对珍珠的观感已大有改变,而随着年纪渐 长和购买力提升,将有望刺激珍珠的长期需求。 业内人士指出,珍珠需求正从2023年的高峰逐渐回 稳,但需求仍然持续。 珍珠本身的可持续性、养殖和生产过程也展现出其 独有价值。如今,绿色实践与创新的商业策略将珍珠的 多样性极致发挥,引起了观察敏锐和具环保意识的消费 者的共鸣。 因此,不少珍珠商都力求创新珠宝设计、进行高科技 养殖和生产及可持续发展,以迎接更光辉的未来。