JNA September/ October 2024

FOCUS 焦点 18 | JNA September/October 2024 “Our collection of coloured gemstone gold jewellery is affordable and visually striking, meeting the current demand for versatile pieces that are suitable for various occasions.” Future of gold Looking ahead, opportunities still abound for gold jewellery in China amid uncertainties. WGC is maintaining a cautiously optimistic outlook on demand for gold retail and investment in the Chinese market. Although seasonal demand in the fourth quarter could provide some support, fragile consumer sentiment and possible further increases in gold price are likely to keep demand subdued, according to WGC. “Faced with the impact of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, consumer habits are undergoing rapid changes,” said Wang of WGC. “Therefore, the gold jewellery industry needs to embrace new production capabilities, adjust business models and development approaches, focusing on segmented markets and demand for differentiated products.” To stand out in a competitive market, Chinese jewellery manufacturers are prioritising design and quality, supported by strong manufacturing capabilities. They are also keen to explore overseas opportunities by participating in international jewellery exhibitions to expand their global presence. “In addition to simple everyday styles, we excel in bolder, more elaborate fine jewellery designs. These pieces closely align with Western consumers’ preferences. We are also seeing solid interest from Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines and Dubai,” Zhu of Shangbin Gold said. For her part, Zuo of Yijiu said the line between Chinese and Westernised craftsmanship is diminishing, which could bode well for local jewellers. “Additionally, Chinese manufacturers regularly and swiftly roll out new styles. We hope to continuously introduce our products to overseas markets through jewellery shows.” 尽管中国黄金珠宝市场面临持续的经济挑战和整 体市况低迷,但24K黄金首饰凭借其保值特性和 创新设计成为备受追捧的产品。 根据世界黄金协会(WGC)最新发布的《全球黄金需求趋 势报告》,于2024年上半年,中国24K黄金产品的销量超过 了所有其他类别的产品,同时,轻金实惠的黄金产品特别受 欢迎。 在整体黄金需求疲软的情况下,市场却对此类产品的需 求十分旺盛。WGC的报告指,由于经济逆境拖累了消费者情 绪,并助长了殷切的储蓄需求。在2024年第二季度,中国的 金饰需求同比下降了35%,这是自2009年以来最疲软的第 二季度纪录。 WGC补充说,珠宝商也在重新调整资源,转向侧重利润 率较高、设计精致的镶嵌宝石产品,以提高利润。 WGC中国区首席执行官王立新解释说:“金饰消费需求 在今年第二季度大幅下降,并非‘中国特色’。因为金价处于 历史高位,全球主要金饰消费市场如印度、中东、美洲和欧 洲地区基本都多少呈现下降趋势。” WGC的数据显示,截至2024年8月20日,金价达到每盎 司2,529.75美元的历史新高。 24K金饰 《JNA亚洲珠宝》采访的中国黄金珠宝制造商称,24K金 饰已经俘获了消费者的心,他们认为金饰不仅仅是一种装 饰品,更是一种储蓄工具,而这也是中国人的传统习惯。 深圳市金瑞宝珠宝有限公司董事总经理张帆说:“我们在 2024年上半年的24K金饰加工量几乎已达到2023年全年的 加工量。我们的客户反馈金饰平常可以戴,有需要时可以卖, 也可以换款。终端消费者被黄金的多功能性和价值所吸引。” 该公司的主要客户是连锁珠宝品牌、区域零售商和电商 平台上的顶级设计师品牌。 深圳尚品金珠宝有限公司创始人朱梦求对此表示赞同。 他指出,在钻石市场低迷的情况下,越来越多的中国消费者 追求纯金戒指,而非钻戒。 Roland Wang, regional CEO of World Gold Council China 世界黄金协会中国区首席执行官王立新 24-karat gold jewellery by Shenzhen Shangpin Gold Jewelry Co Ltd 深圳尚品金珠宝有限公司的24K金首饰