MARKET WATCH 市场观察 36 | JNA November/December 2024 very encouraging response to our products at the recently concluded September Hong Kong Fair. Our target now is to get more exposure in Hong Kong, China, the Philippines and Taiwan where we found new customers.” Based on market observations, Asian buyers gravitate more towards smaller items with high-end designs as opposed to Middle Easterners who are partial to big, statement pieces with more stones, he said. Joe sees value in building strong international networks, which became critical to supporting Antoine Hakim’s business during the Covid-19 crisis. At the time, the company worked with overseas partners to help fulfil orders from Europe as well as in some areas in the Middle East. “I consider solid partnerships a competitive advantage,” noted Joe. “We have been in the industry for 85 years and over the decades, we have gained the trust and respect of our clients. This is very important in the jewellery business.” Antoine Hakim’s jewellery collections are continuously gaining further steam in the market, with potential buyers – impressed by the company’s exceptional artistry – regularly expressing their intention to work with the Lebanese jeweller amid market difficulties. The company official also regards low labour costs, refined artistry and top-quality designs as major advantages of Middle East-based jewellery manufacturers. Moving forward, Antoine Hakim will continue to pursue its expansion strategies, with a strong focus on the US market. “This is our goal in 2025. The timing is right because the US economy is stabilising. Our designs, which stand out from what is in the market now, will likely resonate with US buyers. We also received positive feedback from US buyers at the Hong Kong show,” noted Joe. The company will focus more on yellow gold in 2025, based on robust demand for yellow gold jewellery in the past year. According to Joe, jewellers will likely produce yellowgold versions of popular jewellery designs that are currently available in pink and white gold. Antoine Hakim is also conceptualising new design ideas centred on the yellow gold trend, which will further be explored and presented in Hong Kong shows next year, revealed Joe. 中东是拥有丰富资源和充满机遇的国度,其珠宝制 造业发展也欣欣向荣。中东珠宝商以其卓越的设 计和高质量的成品而闻名于世,他们借着全球扩 张和现代化来促进增长。 万众期待的2024年迪拜珠宝首饰及科技展(JGTD)定于 11月12日至14日,在迪拜展览中心南区1号和2号厅举行,进 一步聚焦中东地区蓬勃发展的珠宝业。 第三届展会由Informa Markets Jewellery和意大利展览 集团联合举办,云集来自超过25个国家和地区的350多家供 货商参展。今年展会还有两个新主题展区首次登场——迪拜 黄金城展区和迪拜珠宝故事。JNA采访了迪拜珠宝制造商 Au Finja的创始人兼董事长Ajay Sobhraj,以及黎巴嫩珠宝商 Some clients that we meet at Hong Kong shows would touch base with us after a few months to place orders for jewellery items that they saw at the fair. This speaks volumes as it means that we had an impact on these companies and that our products resonated with them. – Joe Hakim, manager of Antoine Hakim YuMe bangle and ring in rose gold by Au Finja Au Finja的YuMe玫瑰金 手镯和戒指 360 YuMe ring by Au Finja Au Finja的360 YuMe戒指