JNA May/ June 2024

DIGEST 市场指标 JNA May/June 2024 | 9 15.51-carat fancy vivid yellow diamond ring 重15.51克拉的艳彩黄钻戒指 Photo credit 图片来源: Phillips Online Trade Updates 新闻快讯 Design, technology driving new phase in HK jewellery sector 设计和 科技推动香港地区珠宝业进入新阶段 Gemfields records US$262M in 2023 revenues Gemfields 2023年 录得2.62亿美元收入 Diamond trade eyes new avenues for growth 钻石业界窥探崭新发展领域 Design-centric products and technological advancements are crucial to steering the jewellery business forward amid a slow global economic recovery, according to Hong Kong jewellery manufacturers. 香港地区珠宝制造商表示,在全球经济复苏缓慢 的环境下,以设计为中心的产品和科技进步对珠 宝业的发展至关重要。 Gemfields made US$262 million in revenues last year, the second-highest annual revenue in the company’s history despite calling off one finerquality emerald auction in November. 尽管Gemfields在去年11月份取消了一次高品质 祖母绿拍卖会,仍录得2.6亿美元的收入,是该公 司历史上第二高的年度收入。 Diamond manufacturers are looking to alternative markets such as India, the Middle East and Southeast Asia to sustain business amid the continued slowdown in demand from China. 在中国市场需求疲弱的情况下,一些钻石生产商 正在开发印度、中东和东南亚等市场以维持业务。 Our digital platform provides additional content for an even more comprehensive industry perspective. Scan the QR code for the full story and more trade news. 我们的数字平台载有更多更全面的 行业视角报道,请扫瞄二维码查看 全文和更多行业信息。 news.jewellerynet.com/en/jnanews Weight in carats of a yellow diamond ring, which was among the highlights of Phillips’ Hong Kong Jewels auction on March 28, 2024. The ring, adorned with a round brilliant-cut, VS2-clarity, fancy vivid yellow diamond, fetched US$1.13 million against a pre-sale estimate of US$950,000 to US$1.3 million, according to Phillips. 在2024年3月28日于富艺斯香港地区拍卖会上呈献的瞩目黄钻戒指的 重量。富艺斯表示,这枚戒指镶嵌一颗圆形明亮式切割VS2净度的艳彩黄 钻,以高达113万美元成交,接近拍前估价范围95万至130万美元的上限。 Year-on-year growth in Hong Kong’s jewellery exports from January to February 2024 to HK$34.8 billion (around US$4.4 billion), according to the city’s Census and Statistics Department. In February alone, exports rose 2.8 per cent year on year to HK$14.9 billion (around US$1.9 billion). Meanwhile, January to February sales of jewellery, watches and clocks, and other valuable gifts grew 8.8 per cent year on year to HK$10.2 billion (around US$1.3 billion). The government expects inbound tourism to strengthen further and benefit the retail sector. Additionally, government initiatives to boost consumption sentiment are seen to provide further support. However, challenges remain due to potential changes in consumption patterns, noted Hong Kong. 根据政府统计处的数据,香港地区珠宝出口额在2024年1月至2月同比 上升348亿港元(约44亿美元)。仅2月份,出口额则同比上升2.8%至149亿 港元(约19亿美元)。与此同时,珠宝首饰、钟表和其他贵重礼品销售额在 今年1月至2月同比增长8.8%至102亿港元(约13亿美元)。香港特区政府 预计,访港旅游业将进一步恢复,并惠及零售业。此外,特区政府为提振 消费气氛而推出的措施也将为零售业提供支持。然而,由于市民和旅客 的消费模式持续转变,业界仍面对挑战。 6% 15.51 carats 克拉