JNA May/ June 2024

DIGEST 市场指标 8 | JNA May/June 2024 4,145-carat gem-quality rough emerald 重达4,145克拉的宝石级祖母绿原石 Photo credit 图片来源: Grizzly Mining Ltd humphery / Shutterstock.com US$38.3B 383亿美元 4,145 carats 克拉 RMB820B (around US$113.3B) 8,200亿元人民币 (约1,133亿美元) China’s gem and jewellery sales in 2023, which shows a 14 per cent increase from 2022, data from the Gem and Jewelry Trade Association of China revealed. The gold sector led the growth, achieving sales of RMB518 billion (approximately US$71.6 billion), followed by jade, diamonds and pearls. 中国珠宝玉石首饰行业协会的数据显示,2023年中国珠 宝玉石首饰产业市场的销售额同比上升14%。其中,黄金 产品市场规模最大,销售额高达约5,180亿元人民币(约 716亿美元),其次是玉石、钻石和珍珠。 Weight in carats of a single gem-quality rough emerald, which was the top lot at emerald producer Grizzly Mining Ltd’s international auction in Dubai in March 2024. The rough, mined in Zambia, sold for over US$1 million to Indian emerald supplier K Sunil Narnoli, according to Grizzly. 一颗宝石级祖母绿原石的重量。这是祖母绿生产商Grizzly Mining Ltd于2024年3月在迪拜举行的国际拍卖会上呈献 的最高价拍品。Grizzly表示,这颗祖母绿原石出产自赞比 亚矿场,并由印度祖母绿供应商K Sunil Narnoli以超过100 万美元成功投得。 Value of Dubai’s rough and polished diamond trade in 2023, representing a five-year compound annual growth rate of 11 per cent, data from the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) showed. Polished diamonds traded in the United Arab Emirates grew 32 per cent to US$16.9 billion compared to 2022. This indicated a shift in Dubai’s focus from predominantly rough diamonds to polished diamonds, which now account for 44 per cent of the total trade value. Meanwhile, Dubai's rough diamond trade dipped 13 per cent last year to US$21.3 billion amid declining rough diamond prices. Volume of traded goods remained strong, said DMCC. 迪拜多种商品交易中心(DMCC)的数据显示,2023年迪拜毛坯和抛光钻 石的贸易额。而五年复合年增长率则为11%。与2022年比较,在阿联酋交 易的抛光钻石上升32%至169亿美元,这意味着迪拜正将其重心从毛坯 钻石扩展到抛光钻石。目前,抛光钻石占贸易总值的44%。与此同时,由于 毛坯钻石的价格下滑,迪拜的毛坯钻石贸易额于去年下跌13%至213亿美 元。DMCC表示,毛坯钻石的交易量依然强劲。