JNA May/ June 2024

MARKET INTELLIGENCE 市场情报 48 | JNA May/June 2024 and diamonds, and professional full-service jewellery factories that handle several facets of production in-house. “The country can also service the full spectrum of clients, from commercial, affordable brands to top-tier labels selling high-end pieces. For that reason, the number of international jewellery brands seeking to work with Thai suppliers continues to grow,” Garnier added. Shiny prospects The same holds true for Thailand’s silver jewellery sector. Limvatanayingyong said the country’s competitive advantage lies in its ability to cater to an expansive range of silver jewellery customers and offer excellent quality at reasonable prices. “Thailand is the best destination for sourcing silver jewellery products, whether these be made-to-stock or custom designs. We can cater to a wide spectrum of clients, from aspiring designers launching their own jewellery businesses to established players seeking to expand their extensive jewellery lines,” he remarked. While Thai silver jewellery manufacturers produce an extensive variety of designs, Limvatanayingyong said minimalist styles that emphasise form and high-quality finishing are presently much sought after in the market. There is also growing interest from clients in gender-neutral jewellery designs, he continued. Thailand also gains from certain geopolitical and macroeconomic conditions. Case in point is the US-China trade war. Decha Nuntana, managing director for marketing of Pranda Group, said high US tariffs on products made in China have led US importers and brands to relocate their manufacturing bases or work with alternative suppliers. “Many of these American companies shifted either their production facilities or their orders to Thailand, while others opted for India,” he shared. “This trend is expected to continue, given current geopolitical pressures.” Gandhi agreed, having observed the influx of American and European jewellery brands into Thailand. As these brands seek to work with suppliers holding strong sustainability credentials, they present further growth opportunities for eco-friendly manufacturers like BHC Diamonds, he said. Social responsibility Sustainability is indeed becoming a greater priority for many Thailand-based gem and jewellery manufacturers. According to Nuntana, Thailand is purportedly second only to India when it comes to new companies applying for Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) membership. The country's coloured gemstone dealers, diamond wholesalers and jewellery manufacturers are increasingly subscribing to sustainable business practices, responsible sourcing and ESG reporting frameworks. Silver jewellery manufacturers are likewise witnessing heightened demand from clients, especially those in the US, for certifications such as those issued by RJC, said Limvatanayingyong. Noting that verification and certification processes should be made readily available to all players big or small, the Thai Silver Exporters Association official said, “We advocate for comprehensive studies on the environmental impact of the jewellery industry to accurately pinpoint the contributing factors and devise appropriate courses of action. This approach will enable us to address environmental concerns effectively and responsibly.” 泰国以生产彩色宝石和银饰品的雄厚实力而举世 闻名。通过开拓新市场、适应瞬息万变的营商环 境,以及在创新和可持续发展领域上倾尽全力, 令泰国保持强劲的增长势头。 根据由GIT泰国珠宝学院编制的全球关贸数据库(Global Trade Atlas)报告显示,在2024年首两个月,泰国宝石与珠宝 出口总额同比上升57.26%至30.3亿美元。其中,珠宝出口额 占总出口额的28%,比2023年上升13.88%至8.638亿美元。 而彩色宝石出口额则同比增长20%至5.416亿美元。 这上扬趋势紧随2023年的强劲表现,当年珠宝和彩色宝 石分别录得9.81%和70.47%的增幅。然而,与2022年的150 亿美元相比,2023年泰国宝石和珠宝的总体出口额轻微下 跌2.83%至146.3亿美元。 银首饰在2023年的出口额也同比下跌了6.63%至16.2亿 美元。尽管2022年泰国银饰出口同比下降了 15%,美国仍 是泰国银饰出口的第一大市场。 泰国白银出口商协会主席Sidthisak Limvatanayingyong 说:“2024年初的数据显示出复苏的迹象,但必须观察这些 趋势如何随着时间的推移而发展。” 增长市场 泰国作为红宝石和蓝宝石的主要制造中心,中国曾是其 主要市场之一。但现在,越来越多泰国的产品正销往新兴市 场和其他目的地。 KO (Thai) Impex Co Ltd总监Siddhant Garg表示,中国市 场曾占该公司业务的35%至40%,可是现已缩减至20%。该 公司生产和批发来自莫桑比克的商业至优质红宝石,专门 生产标准尺寸宝石。 他解释说:“中国的红宝石市场在疫情前甚至期间都很 畅旺。但在过去两年里,需求量显著下降,主要原因是价格 大幅上涨,有时涨幅超过50%。” Silver jewellery by Piyapoom Co Ltd的银饰套装