JNA May/ June 2024

MARKET INTELLIGENCE 市场情报 JNA May/June 2024 | 43 Fine jewellery pieces, led by latest bridal jewellery collections, are taking centre stage at Japan Jewellery Fair 2024 (JJF), which is scheduled for August 28 to 30, 2024 at the Tokyo Big Sight Exhibition Centre. The fair, renowned as the largest B2B jewellery exhibition in Japan, is organised by Informa Markets in partnership with the Japan Jewellery Association (JJA). The event is marking its 31st anniversary this year. According to organisers, the show will display an extensive product selection to meet buyers’ year-end sourcing needs. Among the strongest draws at the fair are Japanese Akoya pearls and Japan-made jewellery, which consistently captivate both international and domestic clients. A highlight of the fair is the Bridal Diamond Pavilion, which will feature a record-breaking number of participants this year, with 12 companies presenting their latest collections. The Bridal Diamond Pavilion, introduced in 2023, is aimed at revitalising the Japanese bridal jewellery market, aligning with JJA’s initiatives to drive demand for diamond engagement rings and nurture consumption habits. Seminars on the latest jewellery trends and market opportunities, meanwhile, are scheduled to be held on the sidelines of the fair. Industry experts will share their insights on the current market landscape alongside other developments. "Trade leaders will discuss what kind of products are in demand in the market today. JJF is the perfect place to gain new insights into the industry, connect with business partners and learn about the latest trends,” organisers said. This year, JJF is also highlighting its commitment to environmental protection and social responsibility. Various sustainable initiatives will be implemented at the venue, including recycling of brass packaging materials and the collection of PET bottle caps. 日本珠宝展(JJF)将于2024年8月28日至30日假东 京Big Sight(东京国际展示场)举行,高级珠宝将 成为展会的焦点,当中以新颖的婚嫁珠宝系列最 为瞩目。 日本最大型的商贸采购珠宝展JJF,由Informa Markets 与日本珠宝商会(JJA)合办,今年是展会创办31周年。 主办机构表示,该展会将呈献琳琅满目的产品,以满足 买家在年终补充库存的需求。日本Akoya珍珠和日本制造的 珠宝首饰是本届展会的主角,这些品类多年来深受国际和 国内买家喜爱。 婚嫁钻石馆是本届珠宝展的重头戏,今年的参展商数量 将创下新高,有12家公司展示其出炉产品系列。 婚嫁钻石馆于2023年首次登场,旨在振兴日本婚嫁珠宝 市场,配合JJA推动订婚钻戒需求和培养消费习惯。 与此同时,展会期间将举办有关最新珠宝发展趋势和市 场机遇的研讨会。行业领袖也会分享他们对当前市场环境 和其他发展的见解。 主办机构称∶“行业领袖将讨论现今市场需要什么样的 产品。JJF是获得最新行业发展信息、与商业伙伴建立联系, 并了解当下潮流趋势的最佳平台。” 今年,JJF还加强其对环境保护和社会责任的承诺。会场 将实施各种可持续发展措施,包括回收黄铜包装材料和收 集PET瓶盖。 Japan Jewellery Fair 2023 2023年 日本珠宝展 This year’s edition of the highly anticipated Japan Jewellery Fair is shining the spotlight on bridal jewellery alongside industry trends and insights into Japan’s jewellery sector. 珠宝业界殷切期待的日本珠宝展即 将登场。今年的展会将聚焦婚嫁珠宝,以及日本珠宝业的市场趋势和专业分析。 JJF 2024 BRIDAL JEWELLERY TO DAZZLE AT 婚嫁珠宝将在JJF 2024上大放异彩