JNA May/ June 2024

FOCUS 焦点 12 | JNA May/June 2024 “We have witnessed higher sales of orange diamonds from Europe, Taiwan and Hong Kong, among other markets, since the second half of last year,” added Jogani. “Green diamonds are also making waves in the trade, specifically neon- and electric-green stones.” David Ebrani, president of Color Diamond Trading Co Inc, also attested to the scarcity of orange diamonds, specifically the vivid orange variants, which he said could even be rarer than reds. “There are not too many vivid oranges that come out from the ground on an annual basis, so those with intense, deep orange colours are highly sought after,” shared Ebrani. Color Diamond Trading recently sold a 103-carat fancy orange diamond. Fascination for fancy colour diamonds is likely to stay strong amid uncertainties and high prices as buyers increasingly seek colour and compelling narratives in their choice of diamonds. Interestingly, there is also growing affinity for fancy colour diamonds among a younger demographic, with Sotheby’s earlier saying that young collectors are increasingly demonstrating keen interest in luxury auctions. Mishael Vardi, founder and CEO of VMK Diamonds, agreed, adding that young people see big auction houses like Sotheby’s and Christie’s selling high-end blue and pink diamonds, which sparks inspiration. He explained, “A great deal of young people are looking to indulge in luxury sales. Similar to buying a designer bag, they also want to wear an exquisite piece of jewellery that is worthy of being auctioned off down the road.” VMK Diamonds likewise observed stable demand for pink, blue and green diamonds of 20 points to 1 carat or 2 carats. Customers are opting for smaller diamonds of a higher quality or bigger items in lower quality or softer colour saturation, added Vardi. They are also willing to pay anywhere between US$10,000 and US$50,000 in total for a decent-quality pink, blue or green diamond. “People will be more hesitant to buy goods that are closer to US$100,000 for stock. They will wait until there is an actual order from their customers,” remarked Vardi. “This is particularly true in the Southeast Asian market now. There is a more conservative purchasing behaviour as they do not want to end up with stock.” Lab-grown diamonds Chieveley-Williams noted that transparency plays a critical role in the diamond trade, adding that some sellers have been passing lab-grown diamonds off as natural diamonds when this should not be the case. Natural diamonds and lab-grown stones can co-exist in the market but clear-cut rules on disclosure should be followed. Afraid of being misled, buyers would rather not purchase when faced with a choice between a natural or lab-grown diamond, he said. This, however, is not applicable in the fancy colour diamond segment where buyers are still developing awareness of and expertise in fancy colours. “Consumers have a hard enough time understanding that natural diamonds can be coloured,” remarked ChieveleyWilliams. “That is already a big hurdle to them, so once they have gotten that far, they are more likely to go for a natural fancy colour diamond.” 色彩缤纷的珠宝大行其道,令彩钻需求稳如泰山。 宝格丽、格拉夫和蒂芙尼等国际品牌,近年来成 功塑造彩钻的定位,成为值得珍藏和投资保值的 奢侈配饰。 彩钻在拍卖会上也连番报捷。在2023年,五件成交表现 最突出的珠宝都镶嵌了彩色钻石,特别是蓝钻和粉红钻。 业内人士指出,消费者对彩钻的热爱源于渴望求变—— 以往他们大多拥有白钻首饰,但现在也希望赋予更多色彩 和变化。渴望表现自我个性的年轻人,也将彩钻首饰视为首 选奢侈品。 行业状况 彩钻的颜色、质量和价值各有不同,对于眼光独到的 买家别具吸引力。钻石商Diamwill的创办人Paul ChieveleyWilliams表示,黄色彩钻的整体需求放缓,但颜色鲜艳而较 稀有的10克拉大型黄钻则例外。 蓝钻方面,由于供应紧张导致价格飙升,促使一些买家 物色价格较易负担的美丽宝石,如帕拉伊巴碧玺。 Chieveley-Williams亦指出,粉红钻某种程度上受到去年 上映的《芭比》电影带动,销售表现胜过其他品类。买家还偏 好较罕有的纯粉红钻,反映出他们对紫粉红钻或橘粉红钻 兴趣不大。 专营彩钻的Scarselli则认为,市场对黄钻需求稳定。浓彩 和艳彩黄钻大受欢迎,而粉红钻、蓝钻和绿钻则由于价格高 昂而销量稍逊。 Fancy yellow diamond jewellery set by Leibish Leibish镶嵌的精美黄钻首饰 Green and orange diamonds 绿钻;橘钻