JNA March/ April 2024

MARKET INTELLIGENCE 市场情报 44 | JNA March/April 2024 对于全球各地的企业来说,2023年是困难重重的 一年,但土耳其珠宝商却取得骄人成就。土耳其 珠宝出口商协会的数据显示,该国的珠宝出口从 2022年的58亿美元增长至去年的76亿美元,同比上升30%。 土耳其的珠宝出口占总出口额的3.2%。尽管大部分出口 类别都受到该国和全球挑战的影响,但珠宝业在2023年的 整体表现仍然高踞第三位。 土耳其珠宝出口商协会经理Sirzat Akbulak认为,珠宝出 口的强劲势头可归因于行业的抗逆能力、独特工艺和灵活 多变的精神。 2023年对土耳其而言可谓充满挑战。去年2月6日,土耳 其和叙利亚经历了一场7.8级的大地震,造成4万多人死亡, 多个城市被夷为平地。卡赫拉曼马拉什作为珠宝生产重镇 和出口基地,更是受灾严重。俄乌战争在2023年转趋白热 化,也对该国造成影响。 “本国的重要市场如俄罗斯、乌克兰和以色列等中东国 家,现正陷入战争困局。进口黄金也遇上一些困难。”Akbulak 指出。“虽然面临这些挑战,我们在2023年依然收获丰盛。” 新兴市场与热门产品 该协会表示,国家在其他市场也欣欣向荣,尤其是包括 菲律宾在内的亚洲地区以及南美洲,当中墨西哥和巴西首 度成为土耳其的珠宝贸易伙伴,潜力无可限量。 美国、阿联酋、中国香港、德国、英国和伊拉克,都是土耳 其的传统珠宝市场。 “俄罗斯和以色列是本国的重要贸易伙伴。我们希望进 一步强化其商贸关系,但目前的情况并不乐观。”Akbulak解 释。“不过,此部分的损失已被阿联酋、英国和瑞士带来的收 益抵消。” 闻名遐迩的土耳其金饰及首饰空托部件,是2023年出 口成绩甚佳的珠宝产品种类。钻石首饰的出口也有所增加。 闪烁灿烂的金饰 珠宝商Cehverun的Cevat Genc表示,随着全球市场逐渐 复常,人们再次出国旅游、在海外消费和贸易经商,2023年 的珠宝出口表现比2022年优胜。 该公司专营黄金、钻石和彩色宝石首饰,主要销往中国 内地、香港地区、美国和中东市场。 Business climate in 2024 could remain challenging, noted Sagyi, hence the need for more inventive business strategies. Tarz Alyans is also streamlining its jewellery exhibitions throughout the year to maximise its presence in target markets. Growth trajectory Akbulak of the Turkish Jewellery Exporters' Association said Türkiye’s jewellery sector will likely face economic and political upheavals in 2024 such as worldwide elections, inflationary challenges and ongoing wars. A more favourable 2024, however, is expected on the back of significant steps taken by Türkiye to tighten its fiscal policies to lower inflation and spur economic growth. The country’s year-on-year inflation rate reached 64.8 per cent in 2023, the highest since November 2022. “The first quarter of the year may be challenging, but we expect a more relaxed trading environment, especially after our local elections scheduled for March 2024,” noted Akbulak. “If improvements continue, we could see jewellery exports exceeding US$8 billion. Meanwhile, positive international developments could potentially push it to the US$10-billion mark.” Bushi of ANNDA, for his part, expects the trend favouring 14-karat gold jewellery to continue in 2024 alongside a growing interest in personalised and custom-designed pieces that reflects a desire for unique and meaningful jewellery pieces. ANNDA is preparing to launch new collections that align with these current trends as well as exploring the use of alternative, eco-friendly materials in line with evolving consumer preferences towards sustainability and individual artistic expression. “For 2024, we expect digital transformation and online retail to be important growth drivers as well as expansion into underpenetrated markets,” shared Bushi. “Challenges would likely include managing supply chain complexities and adapting to the evolving global economic landscape.” Source: Turkish Jewellery Exporters’ Association 资料来源:土耳其珠宝出口商协会 Türkiye's top jewellery export markets 土耳其主要的珠宝出口市场