JNA March/ April 2024

SPOTLIGHT 市场聚焦 JNA March/April 2024 | 21 chains, and new technology such as artificial intelligence and blockchain as current areas of RJC research. At press time, she was leading the council’s search for a new chairman and had just launched the first RJC playlist on Spotify. Joanna Park-Tonks, who became president of the International Grown Diamond Association (IGDA) in January 2023, takes a level-headed view of labgrown diamond (LGD) matters. She acknowledges the sector’s challenges in pricing and sustainability, while reaffirming its rightful place in the jewellery industry. Her presidency thus centres on the three Rs: Relationships, Research and Representation. Describing LGDs as the “product of manmade brilliance,” Park-Tonks, who established LGD jewellery brand Chelsea Rocks in 2018, believes that the accurate, fair and transparent dissemination of information is key to establishing the sector’s credibility. At IGDA, she has collaborated with the World Jewellery Confederation (CIBJO) on developing industry standards, operating principles and LGD terminology; launched a jewellery design competition; and supported retailers and IGDA members in promoting consumer choice by providing marketing assets to properly present LGDs to the public. Another priority is establishing properly referenced growth projections on the LGD sector. “More compelling than looking at charts, statistics and graphs is understanding the power of collective voice. The possibilities are endless if we work together diligently to prevent challenges like everdecreasing prices and value erosion,” she remarked. Park-Tonks also advocates for more creative storytelling around LGD jewellery. “Our category has a fascinating story but there may have been too much focus on the technology and how LGDs are produced. Diamonds are the ultimate expression of love. We need to flow that creativity, love and passion into new designs,” she said, adding that LGDs’ lower price points accommodate greater whimsy and experimentation in design. Melanie Grant于2023年1月加入责任 珠宝业委员会(RJC)。当时RJC刚经 历了动荡的一年,因为在2022年2月 乌克兰与俄罗斯爆发战争後,该会被 认为在Alrosa的成员资格问题上无 所作为,导致其会员和领导层纷纷离 开。Grant在上任後承担起整顿组织的 艰巨任务。 身为珠宝记者和策展人的Grant马 上投入工作,确保RJC能够在可能造 成声誉风险的问题上采取切实有效的 行动。在环境、社会和治理(ESG)话题 白热化的时候,她还推动了更多关于 珠宝可持续发展的对话。 去年7月,RJC首次推出了ESG工 具包,通过解释市场上常用的ESG报 告框架和标准,帮助会员加强其可持 续发展议程。 她指出:“现代消费者日益要求品 牌对其为世界带来的影响负责,他们 积极与品牌互动,以了解透明度和可 持续发展的正面影响。消费者的信心 对行业至关重要。RJC标准和认证让 会员公司,能够展示他们对实行负责 任的业务实践和可持续发展的承诺。” 经过与业界的广泛磋商,RJC将 于今年推出首个实验室培育钻石标 准。Grant还指出多样性、包容性、气 候对供应链的影响,以及人工智能和 区块链等新技术都是RJC目前的研究 领域。 截至本刊出版前,她正在牵头为委 员会招募新主席。另外,她在Spotify上 发布了首张RJC播放清单。 Joanna Park-Tonks于2023年1月成为 国际培育钻石协会(IGDA)主席,她对 实验室培育钻石(LGD)问题持平和的 态度。她承认该行业在定价和可持续 发展方面面临挑战,同时重申其在珠 宝行业中的应有地位。因此,她担任主 席期间的工作有三大重点:关系、研 究和代表。Park-Tonks于2018年创立 了LGD珠宝品牌Chelsea Rocks,她将 LGD描述为“人造光彩的产品”。她认 为准确、公平和透明的信息传播是建 立该行业公信力的关键。 在IGDA,她与国际珠宝首饰联合 会(CIBJO)合作制定了行业标准、运 营原则和LGD术语;举办了珠宝设计 比赛;通过提供营销资源给零售商和 IGDA成员使用,来支持他们向公众正 确介绍LGD,促进消费者选择LGD。 另一项重点工作是对LGD行业的增 长情况进行适当的预测。她说:“相比看 图表和统计数据,更触动人心的是真正 理解行业凝聚在一起的力量。如果我们 齐心协力,防止价格不断下跌和价值受 到侵蚀等挑战,机遇是无限的。” Park-Tonks还主张围绕LGD珠宝 讲述更有创意的故事。她补充说:“我 们这个类别有一个引人入胜的故事, 可是大家或会把注意力都集中在技术 上,以及如何生产LGD。钻石是爱的终 极表现。我们需要将这种创造力、爱与 激情注入新的设计中。”她又指LGD的 价位略低,这容许业界人士在设计中 进行更多尝试,发挥奇思妙想。 宝石和珠宝业正在经历换帅,一批年青但坚定、择善固执、久经考验且能力出众 的业内人士,在行业组织中担任重要的领导职务。尤其令人鼓舞的是,越来越 多的女性担任行业高层职位,并在制定议程方面发挥着关键作用。 Melanie Grant Executive Director, Responsible Jewellery Council 责任珠宝业委员会执行董事 Joanna Park-Tonks President, International Grown Diamond Association 国际培育钻石协会主席