MARKET INTELLIGENCE 市场情报 72 | JNA September/October 2023 全球首屈一指的珠宝业界盛会环球盛事 | 九月香港 珠宝首饰展览会(JGW),将于2023年9月在两个 世界级场馆隆重开幕。随着疫情过去、全球通关, 本届JGW将回复以往“一展两地”的模式,云集3,000多家来 自逾50个国家及地区的展商,在超过40个团体展团和主题 展馆内呈献最新产品。 展览会将于9月18至22日假亚洲国际博览馆(亚博馆)举 行,展出裸钻、彩色宝石、珍珠等珠宝材料;而珠宝成品、包 装用品、工具设备及相关技术等类别,则于9月20至24日在 香港会议展览中心(会展中心)展出。 今年为第40届JGW,标志着其红宝石周年纪念。该展会 由Informa Markets Jewellery主办,前身为九月香港珠宝首 饰展览会。 展厅亮点 顶尖B2B商贸盛会JGW致力为业内买家提供丰富的采 购体验,为大家呈上琳琅满目的产品和服务,从裸石及珠宝 配件到成品首饰、包装用品,以及制造和零售技术等,一应 俱全,满足整个供应链上下游的需要。 设于亚博馆的宝石精品馆(FDP),以及位于会展中心的 珠宝精品馆(FDP)、国际艺粹馆(IPP)和CORE展馆,都是买家 In addition to the Master Insights Series, a slew of engaging seminars and networking events will be held on the sidelines of the fair. Red Radiance Ruby, the 40th anniversary gemstone, is the star of the Red Radiance project – an educational programme featuring exhibits, live demonstrations and immersive experiences centred around rubies, the so-called “King of Gemstones.” The Ruby’s Mine-to-Market Adventure Exhibition, which is taking place at the HKCEC, invites buyers to explore and discover the many intriguing facets of the ruby, encompassing its history, origins, distinctive cutting styles, rarity and beauty. A standout feature of the programme is the Red Radiance Treasure Hunt, which calls on visitors to view the exceptional ruby exhibits displayed by participating exhibitors at both AWE and HKCEC. After visiting all the designated treasure hunt booths, participants have the chance to receive exclusive giveaways that serve as mementos of their ruby adventure.