JNA September/October 2023 | 67 INSIGHT 睿智角度 Further growth Amid the unprecedented growth in lab-grown diamond sales is the growing importance of LGD certification as a value-added feature aimed at protecting consumer confidence. Mehta stated that knowledge on the pertinent details of the LGDs that customers are buying enhances their shopping experience as well as trust in the product. “Market demand for lab-grown diamond certification is on the rise as informed consumers increasingly seek transparency and authenticity in their lab-grown diamond purchases,” said the company official. Moving forward, GoGreen Diamonds aims to market LGDs more effectively, bolster LGD awareness in more countries and further strengthen their popularity. Mehta described this as “just the initial phase,” giving the company greater opportunities to develop the market globally and access new demand for LGDs. Mehta is maintaining an upbeat outlook for lab-grown diamonds, with demand benefitting from buyers’ preference for ethical business practices and environment-friendly options. He remarked, “Technological advancements enable the production of larger and rarer stones. This, alongside growing consumer awareness, will fuel substantial growth in the lab-grown diamond market and further redefine the jewellery industry landscape.” 在2021至2022财年的LGD钻石出口成绩力压群雄,荣获 印度宝石和珠宝出口促进委员会(GJEPC)的嘉许。 Mehta指出:“我们的强项在于制造优质的粉色和蓝 色LGD,在亚洲备受青睐。这项嘉许凸显了我们对创新和 品质的承诺,推动业务欣欣向荣。” 持续发展 LGD的销量空前飙升,但与此同时,提供相关的认证 资讯也变得越来越重要,借此巩固消费者信心。Mehta表 示,正在选购LGD的客户若能了解相关细节,可以提升购 物体验和对产品的信任。 他补充道:“精明的消费者对LGD产品的透明度和真 实性要求渐高,令LGD认证的需求有增无减。” 展望未来,GoGreen Diamonds希望更有效地将LGD 推广给更多国家,打造成更受欢迎的产品类别。Mehta形 容这“只是初始阶段”,该公司将有更多机会开发全球市 场,发掘LGD的崭新需求。 当今买家特别注重道德商业实践和环境友好行为,因 而惠及LGD的发展,令Mehta对前景保持乐观。他指出:“ 培育技术日新月异,现在已能够生产更大型、更稀有的钻 石。再加上消费者的意识日渐提升,将推动LGD市场大幅 增长,重新定义珠宝行业的未来。” GoGreen Diamonds指出,由于市场对实验室培 育钻石(LGD)的认识和欣赏程度有所提升,因 此对更多样化的产品呈现强劲需求。这家印度 LGD生产及出口商表示,美国和亚洲等主要珠宝市场,都 对创新和非传统的产品刮目相看,LGD就是其中之一。 闪亮机遇 GoGreen Diamonds董事Rushabh Mehta透露,买家 都钟情于尺寸较大的实验室培育钻石,因为其外观与天 然钻石一样璀璨迷人,但价格却更具吸引力。 Mehta解释说,疫情后市场对LGD的需求大幅攀升: “这点促使GoGreen Diamonds调整业务策略,以应对大 型LGD钻石不断增长的需求,同时发挥其合乎道德和成 本效益的优势。” 美国消费者喜爱商业化的大型LGD钻石,至于亚洲 人则热衷于较小型和高质量的LGD产品。Mehta表 示,GoGreen Diamonds对亚洲市场的增长潜力充满信心。 随着需求涌现,该公司积极迎接变化并满足买家各式 各样的需要,证明他们具有灵活的营商思维,以及能够根 据亚洲人对低调优雅风格的偏好而调整策略,继而促进 区内业务表现。GoGreen Diamonds的尖端生产能力是其 成功关键,让他们能够在竞争对手之中脱颖而出。该公司 GoGreen Diamonds' LGD facility in India; Rushabh Mehta, director of GoGreen Diamonds; Lab-grown diamond production at GoGreen Diamonds GoGreen Diamonds位于印度的LGD钻石厂房 ;GoGreen Diamonds董事Rushabh Mehta ;GoGreen Diamonds的实验室培育钻石生产工作