JNA November/ December 2023

MARKET INTELLIGENCE 市场情报 44 | JNA November/December 2023 今年的环球盛事 | 九月香港珠宝首饰展览会 (JGW) 在9月24日落下帷幕,部分参展商指在为期七天 的展览会上,销情优于预期,人流稳定,买家素 质高。 作为国际大型展览会,第40届JGW的环球展商参与度恢 复疫情前水平。 本届共有来自44个国家和地区的3,422家供应商参展, 并吸引了来自142个国家和地区的53,879名买家莅临参观, 与2018年的数字相近。部分主要亚洲市场的访客人数录得 显著增长,包括印度尼西亚、泰国和菲律宾。 来自欧洲和美洲的买家数量则低于2018年。据展会主办 机构Informa Markets Jewellery表示,其中部分原因是国际 航空运力尚未完全恢复。 与此同时,参展商向《JNA亚洲珠宝》透露,随着市场需 求在假期前持续上升,他们在展会中会见了现有客户,并与 新潜在客户建立联系。国际有色宝石协会(ICA)主席兼Cody Opal Australia Pty Ltd执行董事Damien Cody表示,有些参展 商指从询价到销售交易的转化速度有所放缓,但这只是暂 时的。他指客户都在积极搜寻彩色宝石,令压抑的需求得以 释放,帶动了展會现场活动。 Cody说︰“某些珠宝类别的交易可能有些放缓,但这情 况不会维持太久。补充库存是业者的首要任务,你可以从展 会上的人流感受到这一点。他们急于填补公司库存,从而满 足顾客的需求。” He said, “Our main clientele primarily consists of customers from Europe, particularly Switzerland, Germany, and Austria. Our objective here was to explore new markets, and we have had the opportunity to meet potential clients from Asia, which is a growing market, as well as the Middle East, China and Hong Kong.” Sebastian also cited demand for bespoke jewellery services at JGW. He noted, “We leveraged our expertise in craftsmanship and sourcing high-quality gemstones to meet these demands.” Kadir Ilhan of Turkey-based Midas and Andrea Francesconi of Italian jeweller Arezia Oro likewise strengthened connections with buyers from emerging markets. “It was a good show. We met with buyers from Taiwan mostly as well as Vietnam and China. Highly favoured among our collections are handmade hollow chains in 14-karat gold,” noted Ilhan. Francesconi, for his part, found potential buyers from Asia and the Middle East who were seeking out innovative jewellery designs in gold and silver. Premium goods Demand for larger, higher-value stones was also evident at JGW, according to exhibitors. Colour was a significant consideration as companies entertained increased enquiries on rare fancy colour diamonds and coloured gemstones. Mohamed Azharudeen Salahudeen of Star Lanka Co Ltd said clients were asking for exceptional stones or collector’s items, including Paraiba tourmaline, ruby, emerald, sapphire and spinel. “The show was good for us,” noted Salahudeen. “Prices of coloured gemstones have seen considerable increases since last year, but buyers are now adapting to the new reality of prices.” Star Lanka met with visitors from the US, Europe and Asia at JGW. Navneet Gems & Minerals Director Navneet Agarwal shared this sentiment. He remarked, “There was a lot of footfall and interest in different varieties of coloured gemstones. Sapphires and rubies have been the most popular – both in calibrated sizes and in single stones.” Demand was strongest from Americans and Europeans, with buyers willing to pay a premium for finer-quality goods, added Agarwal. Robust demand for specific white diamond varieties, including fancy shapes like pears, marquise, emeralds and ovals, was evident at JGW, revealed Gautam Gopani, director of Kiran Exports (HK) Ltd. “These unique designs garnered significant interest among numerous customers, resulting in a flurry of purchases and a substantial number of orders for this exclusive product line,” continued Gopani. The show had a steady rhythm, he added, and while there were fewer buyers from the US and China, Kiran Exports managed to establish connections with other international clients. "While their (US and China buyers) presence was missed, we remain optimistic about the future, confident that their engagement will further invigorate the event's dynamics in the upcoming editions," added Gopani. Some companies also fared better at JGW compared to the March show. Sandy Chan of jewellery manufacturer Color Impex Co Ltd said traffic at JGW was “impressive” and her team met with existing and potential buyers. Majority of the company's visitors were from China and Korea who asked for ruby jewellery. Jacky Lam, general manager of Peter Lam Jewellery Ltd, said the show was “better than expected.” He added, “We made good connections with new buyers, mostly from Asia, South America, Europe, South Africa and the Middle East.” The company displayed its iconic fine jewellery collections at the fair.