JNA November/ December 2023

JNA 40th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL JNA 40周年专题报道 JNA November/December 2023 | 35 Standout specimens Another entertaining feature of the programme was the Red Radiance Treasure Hunt, which called on visitors to view the exceptional ruby exhibits displayed by participating exhibitors at both the AsiaWorld-Expo and the HKCEC. After visiting all the designated treasure hunt booths and recording the weight of the key ruby exhibit, participants received exclusive giveaways that serve as mementos of their exciting ruby adventure. Red Radiance was presented by Informa Markets’ Jewellery & Gem Knowledge Community along with title sponsor ICA | GemLab, sponsor Gemfields, and partners Befound, Brink’s Hong Kong Ltd, Fura Mining, Gemolithos Fine Gems & Jewels, Hatta Fine Jewelry, Justin K Prim, KGK Group, Lotus Gemology Co Ltd, Miro Ng and Wanguo Gemstone & Rough Trading (Shenzhen) Co Ltd.今年,环球盛事 | 九月香港珠宝首饰展览会(JGW)与旗舰刊物《JNA亚洲珠宝》携手庆祝 创立40周年,并呈献精彩的教育项目“绯红璀璨——漫游瑰丽红宝破茧成蝶之旅”,以 红宝石为焦点宝石。引人入胜的40周年纪念宝石主题活动,已于9月20至24日假香港 会议展览中心展览厅3大堂举行,邀请参观人士探索红宝石的多元面貌。 启迪之旅 红宝石从矿山到市场的旅程,在展览上分成八个趣味盎然的部分,营造沉浸式的观展体验。 首先,参观人士认识到红宝石的历史和产地,随后参观12个原石展示专柜,接着更亲眼目睹宝 石切割示范,观摩独特的切割工艺,了解宝石从原石转化成璀璨成品的过程。 参观人士还可以欣赏到各类红宝石及其独特的内含物,并仔细了解一系列红宝石设备和处 理技术,以及古老的工具和历史上的宝石处理手法。著名鸽血红宝石的展示区呈献丰富知识, 令这次教育之旅更臻圆满。“绯红璀璨展厅”经过特别设计,让参观人士真正感受红宝石的光 芒,堪称整段瑰丽旅程的顶峰。 出色瑰宝 另一个亮点活动为“绯红璀璨寻宝游”,邀请众人观赏亚洲国际博览馆和香港会议展览中心 精选展商的红宝石展品。 在欣赏完所有精选展商展位,并记录下指定作品的红宝石估计重量后,参观人士可获赠独 家礼品,为此趟红宝石探索之旅留下纪念。 “绯红璀璨”由Informa Markets之教育平台“珠宝智汇”隆重呈献,并获得冠名赞助商ICA | GemLab和赞助商Gemfields鼎力支持,合作伙伴包括Befound、Brink's Hong Kong Ltd、Fura Mining、Gemolithos Fine Gems & Jewels、Hatta Fine Jewelry、Justin K Prim、KGK Group、Lotus Gemology Co Ltd、吴飞洋博士及Wanguo Gemstone & Rough Trading (Shenzhen) Co Ltd。