JNA May/ June 2023

市场情报 JNA May/June 2023 | 49 Estrela de Fura The rare 55.22-carat ruby from Fura Gems is estimated to achieve in excess of US$30 million at the Sotheby’s Magnificent Jewels Auction this June. Fura Gems出品的55.22克 拉珍稀红宝石,预计将于今年6月的苏富比瑰丽珠宝拍卖会以超过3,000万美元成交。 poised to break more records “ESTRELA DE FURA”红宝石势将打破更多纪录 “ESTRELA DE FURA” The world’s largest gem-quality ruby – the 55.22carat Estrela de Fura – is set to make history when it goes under the hammer at Sotheby’s Magnificent Jewels sale this June. Cut from a 101-carat rough unearthed in Mozambique by Fura Gems, the rare gemstone is the largest and most valuable ruby to ever appear at auction. It is expected to achieve in excess of US$30 million. Only two rubies have ever broken the US$15 million mark at auction. The 25.59carat Sunrise Ruby of Burmese origin currently holds the world auction record for a ruby, fetching US$30.3 million at Sotheby’s Geneva in May 2015. Estrela de Fura’s rich saturation of colour, untouched by heat treatment; highly crystalline appearance; incomparable size and unprecedented auction estimate make it the most important ruby ever to come to market. According to Gübelin Gem Lab, Estrela de Fura displays a saturated and homogeneous red colour, combined with a degree of clarity unseen in any other unheated ruby of comparable size. “To see a natural ruby of this size, with such a combination of quality characteristics spared from treatment was considered almost unimaginable. The natural ruby of 55.22 carats is setting a new record not only for Mozambican rubies but also for rubies in general,” it said. The transformation of the “pigeon’s blood” rough into a remarkable cushion-cut stone resulted in vivid red hues due to multiple internal reflections, according to a report from the Swiss Gemmological Institute (SSEF). A natural ruby from Mozambique of this size and quality can be considered very rare, it added. Fura Gems CEO and Founder Dev Shetty said, “From the in-depth analysis and study of the stone – through the process of cutting and polishing – we have worked with the utmost care and respect for the ruby, recognising its importance and stature. We are excited that a new page in the story of this incredible gem and Mozambican rubies is about to be written with Sotheby’s.” Estrela de Fura shines the spotlight on Mozambique as a source of premium quality rubies. It was officially unveiled by Sotheby's in Hong Kong on April 5 and has since been on a worldwide tour with stops in Taiwan Region, China, Singapore, Geneva and Dubai before heading to New York to star in the Sotheby’s Magnificent Jewels auction on June 8. 世界上最大的宝石级红宝石——重55.22克拉 的“Estrela de Fura”,将于今年6月的苏富比瑰丽 珠宝拍卖会上开拍,届时势将写下历史。 这颗极度珍贵的宝石,由Fura Gems在莫桑比克发掘 的101克拉原石切割而成,是拍卖史上最大、最有价值 的红宝石,估价逾3,000万美元。迄今为止,只有 两颗红宝石能够突破1,500万美元成交价。 当中源自缅甸的25.59克拉“日出红宝石”, 在2015年5月于日内瓦苏富比拍卖会以 3,030万美元成交,目前仍然保持红宝石的 世界拍卖纪录。 Estrela de Fura具有丰富饱和的色彩, 未经加热处理,晶莹剔透且巨硕无比,拍 卖估价更前所未有地高,使它成为拍卖史 上最重要的红宝石。 古柏林宝石鉴定所表示,Estrela de Fura 呈现饱和均匀的红色,净度在尺寸相若的未 经加热红宝石之中首屈一指。鉴定所称:“一颗拥 有如此尺寸的天然红宝石,无需经过处理便能达到非 凡质量,以前几乎被视为不可想象。这颗55.22克拉的天然 红宝石,正在挑战莫桑比克以至全球红宝石的纪录。” SSEF瑞士珠宝研究院的报告显示,该“鸽血红”原石切 割成瞩目非凡的枕形宝石后,因内部多重反射而呈现出鲜 艳的红色。报告亦指出,拥有如此尺寸和品质的莫桑比克天 然红宝石实属罕有。 Fura Gems首席执行官兼创始人Dev Shetty说:“无论是 进行深入的宝石分析和研究,以至切割和打磨的过程中,我 们对这颗红宝石都珍而重之,并了解到其重要性和地位。对 于苏富比即将为这颗非同凡响的瑰宝,以至莫桑比克红宝 石谱写新的一页,我们深感荣幸。” Estrela de Fura于4月5日在香港苏富比正式亮相,焦点 在于莫桑比克这个优质红宝石的丰饶产地。其后,这颗珍稀 之宝在全球各地巡回展出,包括台湾地区、中国内地、新加 坡、日内瓦和迪拜,最后将运抵纽约,在6月8日的苏富比瑰 丽珠宝拍卖会上隆重开拍。