MARKET INTELLIGENCE 50 | JNA March/April 2023 Jewelcraft is eyeing to expand its product inventory to include other types of raw materials to give the company more room to revolutionise designs and create exceptional jewellery pieces. Jewelcraft primarily uses rubies, sapphires, emeralds and diamonds in its collections. “We wish to incorporate fancy colour diamonds, higherquality unheated rubies and sapphires, and other gems into our portfolio to be more in line with our vision to cater to the high-end jewellery market,” Parmani said. “Buyers are likely to favour geometric jewellery designs.” Meanwhile, Pravin Patel of KAA Creations also observed the market’s growing fascination for never-before-seen design concepts. “Now is the best time to grow and innovate; start anew and reconnect with partners in the trade,” he said. The company recently unveiled its twin diamond ring collection. Its most popular products are daily-wear rings and earrings. Rings sell for about US$2,000 to US$3,000; bracelets for around US$10,000; earrings for US$4,000 to US$5,000; and necklaces for US$10,000 to US$15,000. All diamond jewellery pieces by KAA Creations are VS quality in 18-karat gold. The Thailand-based manufacturer mainly caters to the European and the Middle Eastern markets. Patel said a number of online initiatives involving market engagement and product promotion, which the company started doing during the pandemic, will remain an important part of its business operations. Aranya Lohakitthaworn of Sphere JewelryManufacturing Co Ltd echoed this sentiment, adding that social media platforms like Facebook are extremely useful in reaching out to buyers during and after the pandemic. Now that physical events are again taking place, digital initiatives are expected to complement offline strategies, he added. Promising future According to GIT’s Prasongpongchai, Thailand’s gemstone and jewellery exports are growing at a rapid pace. Citing industry forecasts, he said the trade is poised to expand by at least 20 per cent year on year. Theoutlook remainspositiveasdemand further intensifies, Jewelcraft’s Parmani said, adding that strong market interest in gemstones and jewellery is pushing prices up. “The jewellery market could outpace the Gross Domestic Product growth of major markets such as Europe, the US and India,” he remarked. “Developments in other industries only fuelled the demand for luxury goods. This, combined with a shortage in fine goods, only increased the gap between demand and supply, and we do not see this trend going away anytime soon.” Hindrances to growth also remain, including tighter supply of raw materials and soaring prices of diamonds and coloured gemstones. “This makes business more challenging as everyone needs time to digest new prices in the supply chain. Labour shortage is another problem postlockdown. It seems that a large portion of the labour pool has permanently left the industry to pursue other fields,” added Parmani. 疫情的负面影响逐渐减退之际,多得泰国珠宝业者 在逆境中展现出无比的才干和韧性,令业界稳 步复苏。 泰国珠宝学院(GIT)的数据显示,2022年宝石和珠宝产 品(不包括黄金)的出口货值上升30%至80亿美元;若包括被 GIT视为稳健低风险投资产品的黄金饰品,整体出口则上升 50%至150.5亿美元。 婚庆首饰、自购和赠礼类别的商机庞大,重办实体展会 亦预示珠宝业前景乐观。据GIT所称,泰国的主要出口产品 包括黄金、金饰、已打磨钻石、银饰和已打磨彩色宝石。 在2022年1月至9月期间,泰国的主要出口市场(不包括 黄金)分别是美国、印度、中国香港、德国、新加坡、英国、瑞 士、比利时、阿联酋和意大利。 GIT总监Sumed Prasongpongchai解释说,随着泰国继续 发挥其强项,并在有需要的范畴寻求创新方案,这股增长势 头已经一直持续到2023年初。 泰国的珠宝制造技能,以及当地企业在构思新设计时的 独创思维,亦造就了有利的条件,而该国在彩宝行业的优势 也是 他毋 解庸 释置 道疑 :“的 珠。 宝首饰业的前景一片光明,尤其是在彩宝 领域。直到今天,泰国仍然被誉为全球制造和出口业的领导 者。劳动技能、创意设计和人力资源开发,都是推动业务增 长的首要因素。” 提升基础 Prasongpongchai表示,环球主要珠宝市场得以重新开 放,加上旅游限制放宽,也有助泰国全面复苏,特别是业内 再次举行实体商贸活动,面对面营商模式重现。 此外,现今的消费者更热衷于送礼和庆祝特别场合,令 海外的珠宝首饰订单大增。 Prasongpongchai补充,除了这些发展趋势,行业亦全速 数字化。疫情证明了买卖珠宝也可以在线上进行,数字科技 上的进步功不可抹。 泰国珠宝商Alahmar Co Ltd的创始人兼首席执行官 Fares D. Alahmar指出,珠宝设计也在不断革新。该公司在 2019年首度推出高级陶瓷首饰系列,但疫情令原本的全球 发布计划未能成事。 Bracelet by Sphere Jewelry Manufacturing Co Ltd的手镯