14 15 17 19 20 16 18 JNA 40th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL 36 | JNA March/April 2023 eventually expanded and opened stores in Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea and Singapore. 钻石珠宝商蒂芙尼公司(Tiffany & Co) 于1992年庆祝品牌进军亚洲20周年。品 牌于1972年在日本东京开设了蒂芙尼 专卖店,是第一家在亚洲销售蒂芙尼产 品的商店。蒂芙尼公司其后继续扩展业 务,并在香港地区、台湾地区、南韩和新 加坡开设了专门店。 14. De Beers: What makes Asia grow 戴比尔斯:是什么让亚洲增长? April 1992 | 1992年4月 Market studies in the 1990s by De Beers showed that countries with diamond-consuming markets that were poised to grow fastest over the next 10 years were in Asia. These included Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand. In 1991, De Beers increased its budget by 26 per cent to US$10 million for advertising, promotion and publicity activities in these eight countries and to fund some marketing activities in China as well. 戴比尔斯(De Beers)在1990年代进行的 市场研究显示,在未来10年间有望录得 最快增速的钻石消费市场位于亚洲。这 些地区包括香港、印尼、马来西亚、菲律 宾、新加坡、南韩、台湾和泰国。在1991 年,戴比尔斯为了这八个地区的广告、 促销和宣传活动,以及在中国內地的一 些营销活动,将预算增加26%至1,000 万美元。 15. Gemopolis opens Gemopolis开业 May 1993 | 1993年5月 Thirty-two companies signed contracts to take factory space in the Gemopolis Industrial Estate and bonded warehouse area in Bangkok, Thailand. Gemopolis was officially opened on March 17, 1993 by then Prime Minister of Thailand, Chuan Leekpai. The Thai government granted developer IGS Co Ltd a permit to open the bonded warehouse in Gemopolis – the first time a tax-free trade zone has been allowed in Thailand. 32家公司與Gemopolis签订合同,进驻位 于泰国曼谷的Gemopolis工业区和保税 仓库区的工厂空间。Gemopolis于1993 年3月17日由当时的泰国总理川·立派正 式揭幕。泰国政府授予许可让发展商IGS Co Ltd在Gemopolis开设保税仓库,这是 泰国首次允许建立免税贸易区。 16. President of exchange in Israel changes after 30 years 以色列钻石交易所总裁之位30年后再 度更迭 June 1993 | 1993年6月 The Israel Diamond Exchange (IDE) has named a new president, following the exit of Moshe Schnitzer, who has held the position for 30 years and was initially elected as IDE president for life. Replacing Schnitzer was retired senior officer of the Israel Defence Forces and then manager of Bank Igud, Itzhak Forem. 在Moshe Schnitzer离职后,以色列钻 石交易所(IDE)任命了新总裁。 Schnitzer 最初以终身任期被选为IDE总裁,并担 任该职位30年。接替Schnitzer的Itzhak Forem是以色列国防军退休高级官员, 其后于以色列联合银行(Bank Igud)担 任经理。 17. Central Selling Organisation allots first sight to China 中央统售机构首次向中国配销货品 August 1993 | 1993年8月 The Central Selling Organisation in London has allocated the first rough diamond sight in China to the China National Pearl, Diamond, Gem and Jewellery Import and Export Corporation in Shanghai. Sights were scheduled to commence from September 1993, with the rough to be cut by factories in Shanghai that were also owned by the corporation. 伦敦的中央统售机构(CSO)已将首批配 销予中国的毛坯钻石,分配给位于上海 的中国珠宝首饰进出口公司。配销预定 由1993年9月开始,原石将由该公司所 拥有的上海工厂负责切割。 18. International disclosure rules for coloured gemstones proposed 针对有色宝石倡议的国际披露规则 August 1993 | 1993年8月 At the 1993 International Colored Gemstone Association (ICA) Congress, the trade was recommended to adopt these international codes to promote transparency: enforce international rules for disclosure of enhancements and treatments in the diamond and coloured gemstone trade; require cutters, dealers and exporters to disclose on their commercial documents and invoices any and all kinds of enhancement and treatment for both single stone and lots, excluding natural processes of mining and cutting; and create a blacklist for offenders. 在1993年的国际有色宝石协会(ICA)大 会上,业界被建议采纳这些国际守则以 提高透明度:执行国际规则,披露钻石 和彩色宝石在贸易中曾进行过的优化 和处理工序,并将此类信息由生产商传 达至最终客户;除了开采和切割的自然 过程外,切割商、经销商和出口商应在 其商业文件和发票上披露为每颗及整 批宝石进行过的所有优化和处理工序; 以及建立违规者黑名单。 19. World Gold Council opens office in India 世界黄金协会在印度开设办事处 August 1994 | 1994年8月 The World Gold Council (WGC) opened its first office in India and its 22nd in the world in June 1994. WGCcommissioned studies to understand market mechanics, consumer behaviour and the gold trade in India showed that 56 million consumers who purchase gold jewellery annually buy less for investment and more for design and wearability. As gold jewellery design was essential to growth, WGC urged India to modernise and internationalise its gold jewellery designs and production capacity. 世界黄金协会(WGC)于1994年6月在印 度开设了第一家办事处,亦是在全球开 设的第22家办事处。世界黄金协会委托 机构进行了关于印度市场机制、消费者 行为和黄金贸易的研究,结果显示5,600 万名每年购买金饰的消费者不太着重 产品的投资价值,而更着重其设计和可 穿戴性。世界黄金协会表示,金饰设计 对销情增长至为重要,然而金饰设计和 生产能力的现代化和国际化对印度而 言,是一项挑战。 20. China becomes a member of CIBJO 中国成为CIBJO成员 July 1995 | 1995年7月 China became a full member of the International Confederation of Jewellery, Silverware, Diamonds, Pearls and Stones or CIBJO (now known as the World Jewellery Confederation), during the annual CIBJO meeting in Greece in May 1995. CIBJO said China’s membership was crucial to the trade worldwide because of