JNA July/ August 2023

JNA 40th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL 36 | JNA July/August 2023 Johannes Keilmann has successfully steered the gemstone and mineral sector to new heights throughout the decades. A man of extraordinary vision, he established the Munich Show (Mineralientage München) in 1963, which has since become one of the most relevant sourcing and networking events for dealers and collectors of gems, minerals and fossils, among others. The Munich Show also helped create the mineral market in Europe, noted Johannes. He explained, “We followed our passion without predetermined business goals. Yet, the show has grown bigger and more significant with each edition. I am deeply grateful for this.” At the time, there were no shows or blueprints to follow, he continued, adding that the Munich Show was set up from scratch as an innovative concept in an untapped market. His inspired journey was not without challenges. Johannes recalls the seemingly daunting task of moving a small event for collectors and aficionados from a restaurant ballroom to the Munich Trade Fair Center. It was a groundbreaking decision that raised the show’s profile and laid the foundation for its global success. Today, the show has a strong international following, with over 1,300 exhibitors and 40,000 visitors pre-pandemic. Johannes has since handed over management of the Munich Show to his son, Christoph. Continued innovation and more creative concepts and business solutions will drive the future of the Munich Show, said Johannes. The show is celebrating its 60th anniversary from October 26 to 29, 2023, which also marks its postpandemic return to its normal scale and format. 数十年来,Johannes Keilmann成功将宝石和矿物行业推向了新的高 度。这位极富远见的先驱者,在1963年创办了德国慕尼黑矿物宝石 展,现在已成为深受宝石、矿物和化石商人和收藏家重视的采购和交 流盛会。 Johannes指出,慕尼黑矿物宝石展还有助创建欧洲的矿物珍品市场。他解释 说:“我们单纯地跟随热忱而行,没有预先规划商业目标。看到每一届展会不断 壮大,我实在深感荣幸。”他又指出,当时没有其他展会或蓝图可供参考,一切都 是由零开始,凭借创新理念开拓新市场。 他的卓越旅程也并非一帆风顺。Johannes回忆道,该展会本来是以收藏家和 爱好者为目标客群的小型活动,在餐厅的宴会厅内举行,及后移师至慕尼黑贸 易展览中心,过程极为艰巨。然而,这个开创性的决定大大提升了展会的地位, 并为其国际上的成就奠定了基础。 时至今天,慕尼黑矿物宝石展在国际间广受欢迎,疫情前共有超过1,300家 参展商和40,000名訪客参与。自此之后,Johannes便将展会交给儿子Christoph 管理。 Johannes表示,持续创新、丰富的创意和高效的商业解决方案,将令慕尼黑 矿物宝石展迈向更光辉的未来。适逢创办60周年,展会将于2023年10月26至29 日举行,同时标志着疫后回复正常的规模和形式,意义非凡。 Johannes Keilmann is the driving force behind a major international event for the gemstone sector, which has been providing a highly effective platform for traders and collectors alike for the last 60 years. 由Johannes Keilmann策划的 大型国际宝石展会,在过去60年 为贸易商和收藏家提供无与伦比 的平台 。 Johannes Keilmann Founder The Munich Show (Mineralientage München) 德国慕尼黑矿物宝石展创办人 The virtuoso of international gem fairs 国际宝石展会翘楚