JNA January/ February 2023

JNA January/February 2023 | 33 JWA DUBAI 2023 group has therefore been working to enhance its technology for underground mining and for automated gemstone processing to increase its production while reducing costs. Ribeiro remarked, “Belmont has an incredible geological resource. We are committed to responsible and sustainable mining, both in the environmental and financial sense, to ensure quality emerald supply for many years ahead.” Trade prospects Belmont also enjoyed stellar business gains in 2022, with two successful auctions in Dubai that sold over 350 kilograms of high-grade emeralds. The group shifted its sales operations to Dubai during the pandemic when travel restrictions and lockdowns severely affected logistics. “Dubai is a great hub and was the first country to open its borders due to a fast and efficient vaccination programme. We now conduct our sales in Dubai, bringing our production directly from the mine to be distributed to the whole world in a more competent manner,” Ribeiro explained. One of the few gemstone companies that can guarantee a mine-to-market chain of custody for its emeralds, Belmont collaborated with Gubelin Gem Lab on its Emerald Paternity Test programme. “Together with some other available technologies, it is possible to trace a gemstone’s journey back to the source. We are happy to work with our customers on such solutions,” the company official said. Given its recent and ongoing initiatives to enhance its mining and business strategies, Belmont is confident of delivering high-quality emeralds, steady production and an increasingly sustainable operation, he added. Belmont is the Honouree for Outstanding Coloured Gemstone Enterprise of the Year at the JWA Dubai Special Edition 2023. Ribeiro said the group was happy to have its work recognised by important stakeholders in the industry. “The pandemic was surely challenging but, for Belmont, it also brought new frontiers and opportunities. Receiving such a prestigious endorsement makes all the hard work worthwhile and inspires us to continue on this path of innovation and continuous improvement in 2023 and beyond,” he said. 巴西祖母绿专家Belmont Emeralds堪称宝石开采 和产品创新领域的先驱,并继续在运营和业务发 展方面取得重大突破。过去40多年来,这家包办 采矿到营销的祖母绿生产商,一直为责任采矿和祖母绿生 产技术创建行业标准。 2004年,Belmont成为第一家为宝石开采引入光学分选 技术的公司。到了今年,该公司亦率先将激光分选技术应用 于采矿业务。Belmont集团主席Marcelo Ribeiro表示,这项全 新技术将有助发掘原石,从而提升生产效率和准确度。他是 该家族企业的第三代掌舵人,集团业务涵盖采矿、建筑、房 地产 回和 溯农 到业领域。 1998年,Belmont在进行大规模地下开采时,率先 开拓斜坡道而非竖井,让大型设备可以接近矿体进行开采。 去年,该公司更引入了大容量电动钻机,在提高产量的同 时,亦可减少采矿工作所造成的的碳排放。 Ribeiro预计将处理和分拣能力提高三倍。由于他們能够 同时在不同的区域开采祖母绿,所提供的质量选择因而会 更广泛。 责任采矿理念 针对排放问题,Belmont今年将开始着手运营1.5MW光 伏电站。“这项开创性的设施将采用太阳能产生清洁能源, 令我们的矿山能够使用可再生能源进行日常作业。我们期 待全面启动电站设施,在不久的将来完全实现零排放,贯彻 本公司在可持续和责任运营方面的宗旨。”Ribeiro说。 他透露,按照Belmont目前的开采及生产规模,该公司的 祖母绿矿床将能维持百多年。因此,该集团致力提升地下采 矿和自动化宝石加工技术,在降低成本的同时亦能增加产 量。Ribeiro指出:“Belmont拥有丰富的矿产资源。我们将竭 尽所能,进行合乎环保和经济责任原则的可持续开采工作, 以确保在未来多年稳定供应优质祖母绿。” 业务前景 Belmont在2022年业务大丰收,两场迪拜拍卖会总共成 交超过350公斤的高质量祖母绿,成绩斐然。在疫情期间,由 于旅游限制和封锁措施对物流造成严重影响,该集团因此将 销售业务转移至迪拜。“迪拜是一个卓越的贸易枢纽,加上其 疫苗接种计划成效显著,所以成为第一个重新开放边境的国 家。现在我们于迪拜进行销售工作,以更具竞争力的方式将 宝石产品直接从矿山分销到全世界。”Ribeiro解释道。 市场上只有少数宝石公司,能够清晰保证其祖母绿监 管链从矿山到市场的每个步骤,Belmont就是其中之一。 该公司并与古柏林宝石鉴定所合作开展“祖母绿亲子鉴 定”(Emerald Paternity Test)项目。 Ribeiro称:“将该项目结合其他现有技术,便有机会彻底 追溯宝石的源头。我们很高兴能与客户合作履行这些解决 方案。”他补充说,多项新旧举措将能有效推动其采矿和业 务策略。因此,Belmont有信心为市场提供一流的祖母绿产 品、持续进行生产和提升运营的可持续性。 Belmont荣获2023年JWA Dubai大奖特别版的“年度杰 出彩宝企业”殊荣。Ribeiro表示,能够得到业内重要持份者 的认同,该集团与有荣焉。他说:“新冠疫情无疑带来不少挑 战,但对于Belmont来说,这也是开拓崭新领域和机遇的关 键时刻。能够获得备受尊崇的业界大奖嘉许,一切付出的努 力都是值得的。此奖项鼓励我们在2023年及往后的日子力 求革新进步,继续发挥创新精神。” 1) Brazilian emerald from Belmont Belmont的巴西祖母绿 2) Belmont mine Belmont的祖母绿矿区