PERSPECTIVE 28 | JNA September/October 2022 KGK集团的垂直整合业务,覆盖矿场到零售多个 环节,对宝石和珠宝业的发展动向了如指掌。一 个多世纪以来,这个家族企业悉心从事采矿、宝 石和钻石生产、珠宝制造和零售品牌业务,在珠宝业的各 个市场和范畴累积了丰富的经验和专业知识。 集团坚信创新和灵活多变为致胜之道,多年来沉着 应对地缘政治与社会经济的各种挑战,并屡创高峰。随 着新冠疫情逐渐消退,KGK集团副主席Sanjay Kothari与 《JNA亚洲珠宝》 分享了他对后封锁时期珠宝业的看法。 JNA:KGK 集团今年的表现如何? Sanjay Kothari:疫情对全球各地产生了广泛的负面影 响,导致商业活动严重中断,并影响了大多数行业。在疫 情及随之而来的限制措施下,尽管宝石和珠宝行业受到 严重打击,但业界向来以坚韧不挠见称,今年已经踏上强 劲的复苏之路。销售额预计将回复到新冠疫情之前的水 平,比2021年增长15%至20%。经历了两年的焦虑和挑 战之后,疫情限制终于得以放宽,因此消费者都希望再次 享受更奢侈舒适的生活,为了宠爱自己而多花钱购买和 投资珠宝。珠宝业也在经历自我改造,以实现最大幅度的 增长和可持续发展。 JNA: Is the jewellery retail experience changing as well? Kothari: Jewellery is a personal and symbolic purchase. Consumers today expect the experience to be as expansive, authentic and multidimensional as possible. Jewellers recognise this increasingly important requirement and thus place greater emphasis on digital storytelling, which helps consumers connect with individual jewellery pieces often leading to high-value purchases. With the explosion of e-commerce and technological advancements, brands are capturing online jewellery sales, and new opportunities are emerging for the industry. JNA: What challenges lie ahead? Kothari: The economic impact of the pandemic has been devastating, due to adverse trading conditions, reduced customer activity and enormous stress on supply chains. At KGK, we created a B2B online platform where we showcase a wide range of products and reach out to potential clients. This enabled us to sustain business despite travel restrictions that were in place for nearly a year. The portal allowed us to provide high-quality products and value to our customers and enhance our online B2B sales by facilitating hassle-free transactions. The coloured gem sector likewise faces a longstanding issue that remains to be addressed – the absence of a centralised authority to govern the sourcing and pricing of coloured gemstones. KGK has developed an in-house coding system to classify coloured gemstones as accurately and effectively as systems that are in place for diamonds. We invested US$50,000 in XRF (X-ray fluorescence) machinery to analyse the purity, authenticity and metal thickness of precious gemstones. This move generated substantial results by improving our ability to meet client requirements. JNA: What growth opportunities are emerging in the gems and jewellery market? Kothari: The industry is already in a digital-first mindset and we at KGK understand the value of bespoke social media content. We are developing a social-first approach as it is one of the most effective strategies in increasing brand awareness and reaching new audiences. Also, with gender fluidity gaining prominence in society nowadays, boundaries are being transcended in jewellery trends. While men’s jewellery is an established category, more unisex pieces are coming to the fore. At KGK, we focus on adapting to evolving social norms and creating collections that are contemporary, cool and unisex. Consumer habits are changing too. Instead of purchasing jewellery for special occasions, people of all genders buy pieces for themselves when they please. Buyers today eschew labels and classifications. This presents an opportunity for us to provide products of all types for different individuals, relationships and occasions. JNA: What is your outlook for 2023 and beyond? Kothari: The future looks promising. The gem and jewellery industry was once fragmented, with buyers generally purchasing from their standard jewellers. The industry has since undergone major operational changes. More jewellers are moving up the value chain with a greater emphasis on branded jewellery. Buyers’ mindsets have also changed for the better, with consumers being more knowledgeable and discerning about their purchases. Jewellery has come a long way, from being seen as a mere investment to becoming a precious item of dignity and personal appreciation. The market has evolved substantially and will continue to do so. Lightweight gemstone and diamond ring, diamond bracelet 轻巧的宝石和钻石戒指及钻石手链