JNA November/ December 2022

MARKET INTELLIGENCE 52 | JNA November/December 2022 日常佩戴的高级首饰、闪亮的金链和价格合理的 时尚设计,都是环球盛事 | 九月新加坡珠宝首 饰展览会(JGW新加坡展)大受欢迎的产品。该 展会吸引了近百个国家和地区的过万名买家,在9月27 至30日于新加坡博览中心盛大举行。 这个B2B大型国际珠宝展由 I n forma Ma r ket s Jewellery主办,汇聚了30多个国家和地区,近1,000家参 展商参与。四天的展会吸引了11,125名来自97个国家和 地区的人士参观,当中65%为海外买家,其余来自新加坡 当地。前五大买家来源地为新加坡、印度、菲律宾、越南和 马来 高西 级亚 珠。 宝参展商指出,大多数买家都在物色更小巧、 更实惠的珠宝首饰,以吸引其目标市场的消费者购买。 香港地区的福钻有限公司指出,买家对其钻饰系列兴 趣甚殷,其中网球手链、手镯和项链的销情尤其出色。总 经理Martin Ibasco说:“我们与很多东南亚客户会面,包 括来自菲律宾、印度尼西亚、越南、马来西亚和泰国的买 家。他们倾向采购价格低于10,000美元的大众化珠宝,而 非高级奢华的首饰。” 意大利珠宝制造商Ofir Srl的负责人Manuel Vaccari 表示,来自马来西亚、阿联酋、菲律宾和越南的客户,都被 该公司的手工设计所吸引。他说,Ofir的古董硬币18K金 原创首饰系列,特别受到买家青睐。 至于Crivelli Srl也乐见买家对其长金链和时尚钻饰等 产品深感兴趣。出口经理Fabrizio Biandrate说:“我们与 不少旧客户会面,但也结识了许多来自亚洲甚至非洲的 新客户——这正是贸易展会举办的真正目标。对我们来 说,这是一场非常成功的展会。” Fresh opportunities For Premier Pavilion exhibitor Miranda Group Co Ltd, the Singapore market offered vast potential for its high-quality coloured gemstones. Buyers were especially drawn to Paraiba tourmalines, which is a fairly new discovery for them, said director Cam Li. “Many Singaporean buyers were familiar with rubies and sapphires but not other coloured gemstones. They were fascinated by the colour and beauty of Paraiba tourmalines. We intend to develop this market further since the interest in coloured gemstones is definitely there,” Li disclosed. Greenland Ruby got to explore business prospects in Asia, and chief commercial officer Hayley Henning was encouraged by the response. The company had hitherto focused on promotions in the US and Europe. “Asia is a new market for us. We tested the waters at the show and met buyers from Japan, Australia – people we would not usually get to meet at the trade fairs and events that we attend. They liked our diamond cuts and ruby beads and essentially what we stood for and the essence of our narrative of rarity and sustainability,” Henning explained. Greenland Ruby held a presentation, “A New Responsible Source of Rubies and Pink Sapphires,” on the second day of the show. Sustainable endeavours De Beers Group also underscored its commitment to the environment through its fully sustainable booth that used materials that were reusable, rented and recyclable. More than half of the materials used in the booth were rented – and will thus be used again – and a quarter of the materials will be reused at future trade shows. Some 20 per cent of the materials will be recycled via donations. The focus on sustainability extended to the actual materials used. All cardboard in the booth was 100 per cent recyclable and biodegradable. The booth’s floor was made of cork, a renewable material harvested from cork oak trees that retain five times more carbon than other tree species. Fabrics were a blend of recycled polyester sourced from ocean waste, and only eco-friendly paint with no heavy metals or solvents was used. The booth also featured a living wall filled with plants, which significantly improved air quality, while the wall filters particulated matter from the air, turning carbon dioxide into oxygen. After the fair, all plants were donated to local nurseries. JGW Singapore delivered on several fronts. The special-edition international in-person B2B trade fair provided the industry with a platform to fulfil sourcing requirements, forge new business relationships, explore new markets and champion best practices. David Bondi, senior vice president of Informa Markets in Asia, said, “A sourcing event goes beyond products; it is as much about people, ideas and inspiration. It is about the power of people gathering together again. This is what JGW Singapore is all about.” The momentum seen at the fair affirmed the industry’s clamour for normalcy and the urgency of getting business back on track as quickly as possible, added Celine Lau, director of Jewellery Fairs at Informa Markets Jewellery. “Current circumstances emboldened us to radically rethink how we do things to enable our exhibitors and visitors to do business, connect and get inspired. The market’s eagerness and enthusiasm for in-person jewellery and gemstone sourcing as seen at JGW bodes well for the future of our industry,” Lau said.