JNA May/ June 2022

INNOVATION 48 | JNA May/June 2022 comparison of gemstones, its integration with laboratory certification and verification to assure buyers of the authenticity of their purchases, and its acceptance of the credit risk in all transactions as its main strengths. Gemfields is in talks with leading industry players to turn Gemdustry, currently a private company, into a joint venture, with a minimum investment threshold of US$100,000. Strutt said the business model is flexible enough to accommodate interested and qualified parties. Gemfields expects to maintain a majority in Gemdustry but is open to discussions with investors wishing to match or surpass its initial investment. Governed by a board of directors, Gemdustry can appoint one board member to the parent company of GemCloud, enabling participants to advise GemCloud and guide its future trajectory. "We see an increasing importance in adopting an aggregated sales as a means of modernising the downstream trade, creating a single safe and reasonably priced marketplace for cut and polished gemstones," remarked Strutt. Online tenders Meanwhile, the Get-Diamonds platform of the World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) has introduced new features as it evolves into a full-service, one-stop diamond trading site. Powered by Lucy Platforms since May 2021, the site now lists over 1.6 million diamonds from 4,600 vendors, with a total value of more than US$6.6 billion. Recent launches include its new online tenders for polished diamonds, which take place once a week. “The new tenders service is built to enhance the trader’s exposure to a wider source of potential clients. For the client, it establishes a secure environment and a door-to-door service with a guaranteed, risk-free transaction and logistics process,” said Get-Diamonds Executive Director Eyal Shirazy. The most in-demand, competitively priced polished diamonds on the Get-Diamonds platform are selected through AI. Suppliers can approve the selected diamonds up to five days prior to the event. The Tender Catalog is released 24 hours prior to the tender opening and all items presented within are available for bidding once the tender begins. When the tender ends, a diamond is sold if a bid matches or exceeds the supplier’s reserve price. Bids lower than the reserve can be accepted or declined by the supplier. According to Shirazy, Get-Diamonds will continue rolling out new functions such as an option to order any stone from its large inventory in comfort and simplicity, including door-to-door service. 可持续性、透明度和可追溯性,早在新冠疫情之 前已引起密切关注。随着全球因大众健康、地 缘政治和对环境的忧虑而顿失重心,以上三点 更成为不可忽视的核心命题。此外,疫情也加快了数字工 具和平台的应用,以促进跨行业的业务增长。《JNA亚洲 珠宝》仔细探索宝石和珠宝行业应对当前挑战的最新进 展和举措。 原产地的重要性 为了满足消费者对透明度和可追溯性的需求,美国宝 石研究院(GIA)正在扩展其宝石原产地鉴别服务,以包括 钻石 截来 至源 本的 文资 发讯 稿。 时,全新服务GIA Source Verify仍在开 发中,面世后将借助基于第三方验证文件的现有流程,鉴 别天然钻石开采国和实验室培育钻石的生产国。当中的 验证文件包括钻石制造商和供应链其他公司所提供的金 伯利进程证书和发票。 GIA在提供该项服务时,将不会收取额外费用。客户 可以通过GIA的独家线上“报告核对服务”,轻松查阅原 产地“ 的我 资们 讯以 。保障消费者权益为使命,而Source Verify原 产地验证服务正是这个理念的延伸。”GIA主席兼首席执 行官Susan Jacques表示。“现在GIA拥有前所未有的独 特定位,通过为消费者提供所需的重要钻石来源信息,让 他们做购买决定时得到应有的信心和保障。这是正确时 机下的恰切做法。” PhotoScribe Technologies是一家提供钻石解决方案 的公司,他们正在加强钻石打标激光系统LMS-650 Cold Laser的效能,以及提升安全水平。 据PhotoScribe创始人兼首席执行官David Benderly 称,实验室培育钻石之兴起、消费者对可溯源产品兴趣日 增和供应链的完整性提升等,使钻石打标成为一项必需 Get-Diamonds Executive Director 执行董事 Eyal Shirazy Gemfields Manager of New Projects 新型项目经理 Algy Strutt CyberAnubis Co-Founder 联合创始人 Jay Soni