STRATEGY 38 | JNA May/June 2022 Due diligence is exercised in the selection process: Conducting factory visits, talking to craftsmen, discussing with business teams to understand the brand narrative and identify unique selling points to engage consumers. “When selecting partners, product strength is a main consideration, but the alignment of our concepts and strategies is often much more important than the product itself. In the Vetiver Jewelry Safari world, every jewellery piece has an emotional touch; it is the result of the painstaking efforts and time of the brand owner, designer, craftsman as well as the Vetiver selection process. Every transaction has heart,” explained Gary. To further promote its clients, the distributor has participated in four consecutive China International Import Expo (CIIE) editions. Founders and CEOs of its various partner brands have attended the expo to personally present their concepts, showcase their products and conduct dialogues with potential business clients and consumers. These visits help the international brands gain deeper insights into consumer needs and explore market opportunities for strategic development. Vetiver’s commercial partnerships evolve into true meetings of minds among committed entrepreneurs passionate about sharing their jewellery concepts with mainland consumers. The founders fondly remember their first meeting with Etsuko Kusuhara, the second-generation owner of Japanese handmade jewellery brand Lucemiya. Kusuhara personally delivered the brand’s jewellery to the company on a cold winter’s day. Meanwhile, adamant on participating in Vetiver’s showcase at CIIE 2020, Marco Russo of Italian cameo jewellery brand Russo Cammei willingly endured a 28-day quarantine along with the brand’s cameo master Ciro Esposito. “I know it is not easy to promote Italian cameo. Let us do this together,” Russo had said. Brand pointers Given its successful track record, Vetiver is often approached by international brands and manufacturers for assistance in their mainland ambitions. When asked how to successfully tap the China market, the company’s founders suggest finding reliable partners, ensuring compliance to local laws and proceeding at an appropriate pace that would lower trial-and-error costs. In just four years, Vetiver has made substantial strides in raising awareness of international branded jewellery among Chinese consumers while facilitating the commercial aspirations of international brands on the mainland. But it is not done yet. According to Helen, the jewel safaris to find more memorable and relevant jewellery brands in its four key product categories will continue. And aside from promoting the product lines and new collections of its partner brands, the company also aims to expand its offerings to jewellery-related products such as jewellery boxes, bags and cabinets. 中国珠宝市场呈现了多元化的发展趋势,基于消 费者对设计独特且个性鲜明的品牌珠宝首饰 越发感兴趣,而海外中小珠宝厂家和品牌进入 这个市场面临众多挑战;Vetiver维缇珐珠宝就此通过珠 宝孵化器策略,打破传统批发到零售的壁垒,把这些珠宝 厂家和品牌引入国内,并推广给中国消费者。 Vetiver维缇珐珠宝由三个年轻人创立,他们分别拥有 零售、市场推广和数字营销经验。龚利峰(Gary Gong)曾 于国际铂金协会(PGI®)担任贸易发展经理、 陈海燕(Helen Chen)曾在美国百事食品公司任职市 场经理、陈文威(William Chen)则是一位投资专家。 过往的行业经验,令Gary和Helen相信那些拥有清新 和创意设计,又同时提供精品购物体验的品牌,可以满足 中国消费者的需求。此外,他们也知道许多国际珠宝品牌 渴望进入中国市场,但却受限于各种原因。他们需要一个 可信赖的战略合作伙伴,助其落地中国。 品牌培育 看见眼前的机遇,满怀壮志的三人组从2017年11月 底开始着手布局,整整一年后的11月,Vetiver维缇珐珠 宝品牌成立,其商业模式——珠宝游猎(Jewel Safari)概 念,就是从世界各地搜寻独一无二的精品珠宝,介绍和引 入国内市场,并协助品牌在中国发展。 有别于传统珠宝的批发和分销模式,Vetiver维缇珐 不仅成为国际精品珠宝品牌的中国代理商,同时扮演了 珠宝品牌孵化器的角色。 Vetiver维缇珐不以简单的产品销售为导向,而是向消 费者讲述珠宝背后的故事、文化和创作意念。与此同时, 用自己的专业知识和行业经验为有关珠宝品牌引路,让 他们在中国市场有准确的定位、选品、定价和销售管道。 Helen分享道:“这些品牌在中国市场的前景一片光 明。中国消费者现趋向选择能彰显个性、独一无二的珠宝 Helen Chen of Vetiver and Marco Russo of Russo Cammei Vetiver维缇珐的陈海燕和意大利Russo Cammei家族代表 Marco Russo