JNA July/ August 2022

JNA July/August 2022 | 29 创新科技 尚灵钻石科技集团(Sarine Technologies)亚太 区总裁Noy Elram畅谈钻石业的创新进程。 JNA:机器人技术和人工智能(AI),怎样影响钻石业? Noy Elram: 机器人技术和人工智能将会广泛而深入地应 用于这个行业。不少钻石公司都希望更有效地控制库存, 并尽可能地提高运营效益,并在促进业务发展的同时脱颖 而出。例如,矿商在钻石溯源追踪方面,需要大规模为钻石 进行注册,如何在过程中尽量减少运营中断、额外成本和 延误,都是重要的考虑因素。为了解决这些问题,尚灵致力 开发并加快推出Autoscan™高速机器人扫描系统。我们透 过这些技术开发可验证的数据库解决方案,并以可扩增的 模式运作,将运营支出、项目延迟和成本减至最低。 JNA:你们推出了哪三个关键项目?重要之处何在? Elram:消费者对验证钻石原产地的需求渐增,希望能够 沿着供应链,追踪钻石从矿场到市场的旅程。钻石溯源曾 经是一项巨大的挑战,但随着现代科技发展,可能性已经 大大提高。尚灵不断推出突破性的钻石技术,现在更开发 了Diamond Journey™钻石之旅溯源项目,连结制造商、零 售商和消费者三方。项目从开采到规划、切割和打磨,记 录了钻石的整段旅程,而且每一步均可验证;透过提升供 应链透明度,巩固消费者的信任和信心。裸石采购地或工 厂可以借助eGrading™技术,使用尚灵的人工智能钻石分 级仪器为钻石进行分级,从而降低成本,加快速度,而且 可以视乎钻石数量轻松扩大规模。尚灵的eGrading™解决 方案所涵盖的范畴比4C更多,让从业者更准确地采购特 定钻石,减少退货问题并提升供应链效率。eGrading™技 术以人工智能4C分级为基础。4C是衡量钻石稀有度和价 值的标准,然而钻石分级是一门不精确的艺术,往往受到 目测判断所限制。尚灵的净度和颜色分级演算法,建基于 我们对已打磨钻石的广泛研究,再透过机器学习提升水 平。自2017年起,尚灵技术实验室率先提供采用先进人工 智能技术的自动化4C分级。展望未来,尚灵分级系统将提 供比4C更详细的钻石参数资讯。eGrading™将使得供应 和采购都能够根据预先设定的、广泛的参数进行和完成。 本公司在过去数十年累积的专业知识和丰富钻石数据, 也让我们能够在元宇宙创造无限可能。我们在开拓独一 无二的钻石非同质化代币(NFT)方面,具有庞大潜力。 Noy Elram, managing director for APAC at Sarine Technologies, sits down with JNA to discuss innovations in the diamond industry. JNA: How will robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) technology impact the diamond trade? Noy Elram: Robotics and AI technology applications in our industry will be broad and deep. Diamond companies want to better control inventory andmaximise operational benefits while at the same time grow and stand out. For example, how can miners proceed with large-scale registration required for diamond traceabilitywithminimal operational interruptions, additional costs and delays. As a solution, Sarine developed and accelerated the launch of Autoscan™ – a high-speed Robotic Scanning System. Only by utilising these technologies can we develop verifiable database solutions that can operate in a truly scalable model with minimal operational overhead, lowest costs and minimal delivery delays. JNA: Name three market-moving initiatives you have introduced to the market. Why are these significant? Elram: There is growing consumer demand to verify diamonds’ origins and trace their mine-to-market journey along the supply chain. Sarine has developed the Diamond Journey™ traceability program that connects manufacturers, retailers and consumers. It records a diamond’s entire journey – from the mine to planning, cutting and polishing. Every step is verifiable. Supply chain transparency fosters consumer trust and confidence. With eGrading™ technology, diamonds are graded at the source/factory using Sarine’s AI-based diamond grading machines, thereby cutting costs. It speeds up the process and can easily scale up, depending on diamond quantity. Sarine’s eGrading™ solution provides more parameters than the 4Cs, enables accurate sourcing of specific diamonds, reduces rejections and increases supply chain efficiency. eGrading™ is founded on 4C AI. 4Cs are the standard for grading diamonds’ rarity and value. Yet diamond grading is an imprecise art, subject to limitations of the human eye. Sarine’s clarity and colour grading algorithm is based on extensive gemmological research on polished diamonds, enhanced by machine learning. The Sarine Technology Lab is the first to provide automated 4Cs grading from 2017, based on advanced AI-driven technologies. In the future, Sarine grading will provide more specifications than 4Cs. eGrading™ will enable supply or sourcing according to extensive predefined parameters. What we can do with diamonds in the metaverse is also limitless. Our potential for unique diamond non-fungible tokens or NFTs is superior. 尚灵积极探索钻石科技新前沿 SARINE explores new frontiers in diamond technology Sarine Technologies talks about the dazzling future of technology in the diamond trade alongside the company’s role in fostering continuous innovation. 尚灵科技探讨钻石业科技的璀璨发展,以及该公司在推动持续创新方面的角色。