18 | JNA July/August 2022 SPECIAL FEATURES The company will continue to consolidate its position as a world-leading miner of responsibly sourced African emeralds, rubies and sapphires. Gemfields intends to introduce a second treatment plant at Montepuez, which is set to triple the mine’s production capacity. It also aims to secure an African sapphire licence to complete its ‘Big Three’ portfolio, Gilbertson revealed. “Over the past few years, we have taken considerable strides in tailoring our portfolio to reflect our focus on the ‘Big Three’ coloured gemstones: Rubies, emeralds and sapphires, in our preferred origin of Africa. We remain keen to complete the ‘Big Three’ and are currently identifying suitable sapphire opportunities in Africa to complement our thriving ruby and emerald operations,” Gilbertson revealed. Gemfields also aims to expand its marketing activities to boost demand for coloured gemstones and to develop the activities of Gemfields Foundation to benefit the communities and conservation efforts in sub-Saharan Africa, he added. Mahenge Gems, for its part, is enjoying brisk business after a substantial slump at the height of the pandemic. Barber recalled that sales were limited during the lockdowns since the company did not want to change its business model. Mahenge Gems does not sell online and only deals with established regular clients. Business has since picked up significantly, following a strong 2021. “We specialise in Tanzanian and east African stones. Pink and red spinels are always super popular and all markets are on the up,” Barber said. Tonna of Fuli Gemstones is bullish on business prospects and prices of peridots moving forward. She noted that peridot prices are on the rise with a compound annual growth rate of approximately 5.4 per cent from 2010 to 2021 for larger stones. Market demand is also bolstered by jewellers and designers looking beyond emerald, sapphire and ruby for their creations, she added. 为缓解后封锁时代的抑压情绪,最近市场对色泽 丰富、深邃、明亮的宝石兴趣渐浓,令彩色宝石 呈现求过于供的现象。宝石矿商在2022年的拍 卖会上取得强劲的销售额,并屡破纪录,而一些新近上市 的彩宝类型,也有望为行业和消费者提供更多选择。 Gemfields在赞比亚的卡棋穆(Kagem)祖母绿矿和莫 桑比克的蒙特普埃兹(Montepuez)红宝石矿,已回复疫情 前的运营水平。据Gemfields首席执行官Sean Gilbertson 称,卡棋穆矿预计今年将生产37,993,000克拉的祖母 绿和绿柱石,而蒙特普埃兹矿的2022年目标产量则为 1,073,648克拉的红宝石和刚玉。两个矿场均于2020年3 月暂停运营,一年后分阶段恢复主要运作,并于2021年5 月底前回复正常产能。 骄人的销售纪录 疫情大流行导致的旅游限制、检疫期和集会限制,扰 乱了Gemfields的拍卖日程,迫使其转向在线拍卖和重新 规划 G 时 em间 fi 表 el 。 ds在2020年2月举行了卡棋穆矿商业级宝石 拍卖会,其后在11月和12月于多个城市推出一系列小型 拍卖会。翌年,该公司的拍卖收入屡创纪录,势头一直持 续到“ 2 我 02 们 2 在年 多。 个城市举行的拍卖会取得成功,加上全新 电子竞标线上平台系统的推出,也在疫情限制实施期间 提供了一定的灵活度。”Gilbertson透露。 2022年上半年,Gemfields共进行了两次卡棋穆祖母 绿拍卖和一次红宝石拍卖,收入高达1.81亿美元,打破了 2018 年上半年创下的9,300万美元纪录。 5月,卡棋穆在泰国曼谷举行的祖母绿拍卖会,是该 矿场在2022年的第二场祖母绿拍卖,并刷新了纪录—— 自2009年7月以来,Gemfields共推出了41场卡棋穆矿拍 卖会,这次的拍卖收入和每克拉平均价格均创下新高。 在2022年上半年,卡棋穆矿的拍卖收入为8 , 570 万美元,而2021年的全年数字则为9 , 230万美元。另 外,Gemfields的6月份红宝石拍卖更带来了9,560万美元 的收入,刷新Gemfields历来所有拍卖的纪录。 Rough emeralds from Gemfields Gemfields的祖母绿原石 9.06-carat peridot from Fuli Gemstones 富丽宝石的9.06克拉橄榄石