JNA Nov/ Dec 2021

企业策略 JNA Nov/Dec 2021 | 27 images and videos, and add as many team members as they wish to interact with customers. The profile page serves as a rich marketing tool for suppliers, while giving buyers insights into vendors who could potentially be a good fit for their sourcing requirements. The platform encourages buyer-seller communication through a variety of ways. Buyers can contact suppliers by using the “Message” function, schedule video calls or face-to-face appointments during Informa Markets Jewellery’s physical shows with the “Meet” feature or engage with prospective suppliers within the platform by clicking on the “Connect” button. Buyers can explore virtual showrooms packed with products in greater detail with the aid of high-resolution images, zoom-in capabilities and videos. The platform allows suppliers to upload an unlimited number of products to their showrooms and post up to 10 images plus a video for each product. Vendors may also adjust their “visibility” settings (public, community/registered users or connections) in the showroom and on the product level, and set price visibility separately. The upgraded platform also allows Premium suppliers to group products into different “Collections” to match their marketing strategies, which may be updated at any given time, and showcase products under their different “Brands”. Buyers can check out the most popular product searches of their peers and instantly view the latest product uploads and updated showrooms on the home page. They can also join targeted, time-boxed digital events throughout the year to meet and interact with a curated selection of exhibitors based on popular product categories, themes or sourcing destinations. JewelleryNet serves as a bridge to Informa Markets Jewellery’s portfolio of physical fairs and digital events. “To exhibitors, this means being in front of as many customers as possible all year round while drumming up excitement for their new products as they gear up for our physical shows. To trade buyers who prefer to do business face to face and have the option to travel, JewelleryNet can give them the head-start that they need to prepare for a more successful product discovery and wholesale sourcing experience the moment they step foot on the show floor,” Lau added. JewelleryNet continues to host JNA Publications and News produced by Informa Markets Jewellery’s professional media team, as well as the Trade Fairs calendar and Knowledge Community space, which offers access to the group’s webinars, trade talks and signature content. 全球領先的珠寶展會主辦機構 Informa Markets Jewellery , 推出了增强版的線上平台 JewelleryNet ,為用戶提供更多更 強大的功能;精心設計的產品陳列室予人耳目一新的感覺, 並享受更優質、流暢的線上體驗。 JewelleryNet 是 Informa Markets Jewellery 實體展和線上活動的延伸,為搜羅珠寶 和寶石的業內買家提供全渠道的體驗。透過 JewelleryNet 的 線上陳列室、產品篩選和交流功能,批發買家可以發掘林林 總總的產品,並與世界各地的供應商緊密聯繫,從而作出更 明智的採購決策。 這個增强版線上平台,是 Informa Markets Jewellery 為 珠寶和寶石業界提供的全渠道商貿體驗的核心所在。該公司 的珠寶展覽部總監劉小雯表示:“疫情讓我們深深體會到, 業者若要放眼未來、在市場上佔一席位,採取實體展與線上 平台相結合的採購和銷售方式,比以往任何時刻都更為重 要。”她亦表示:“ JewelleryNet 增强版為買家提供了更有 效的方法,物色更多產品和供應商。他們可以按產品類別和 屬性進行搜尋,更可使用會議預約功能,安排與供應商透過 線上平台或在我們的實體展中會面,時刻保持聯繫。總括而 言, JewelleryNet 讓我們的專業買家能夠更方便、更快捷地 採購到合適的產品。” 優化的線上採購功能 新版平台為專業買家帶來數之不盡的益處。首先,平台 經優化後將擁有三個層級的產品分類和多個產品屬性,讓買 家可按類別搜尋合適的產品和供應商,享受更高效的搜索功 能和更優質的線上體驗。該些新增的功能都是由擁有數十年 珠寶行業專業知識的 Informa Markets Jewellery 精心設計。 另外,買家可透過瀏覽供應商的簡介頁面,了解更多他 們感興趣的公司資料。而供應商則可以在該簡介頁面上傳公 司冊子、圖片和視頻,並加入公司多名代表,與客戶洽商交 流。簡介頁面可視為供應商豐富且強大的營銷工具,讓買家 能對供應商有更深入的了解,更有效地掌握該公司能否滿足 相關的採購需求。 增强版平台亦令買賣雙方可通過多種途徑進行交流。買 家可利用“信息”功能,向供應商發送信息;點擊“會面” 按鈕安排於 Informa Markets Jewellery 實體展上會晤,或進 行視頻會議;而透過“聯繫”功能,買家更可與潛在供應商 在平台上建立聯繫、緊密互動交流。 在供應商的線上陳列室內,買家可透過高像素的產品圖 片(附放大功能)和視頻仔細瀏覽其琳瑯滿目的產品。供應商 可無限量上傳產品到其專屬的陳列室,並為每件產品上傳最 多 10 張圖片和一段視頻。供應商還可以在陳列室設置每件 產品的“可見性”(公開、社區/註冊用戶、已在平台建立聯 繫的用戶),並可單獨設置產品價格的可見性。 JewelleryNet 增强版讓特選供應商可隨時把產品歸類到 不同的“系列”中,以配合他們不同時候的營銷策略,並展 示旗下各“品牌”的產品。 買家可以在主頁查看同行的產品熱搜,以及供應商最新 更新的陳列室和最新上傳的產品資訊。他們還可以查看不同 的熱門產品類別、主題或參與採購來源地的限時線上活動, 與精選參展商互動,全年緊貼行業趨勢。 JewelleryNet 為 Informa Markets Jewellery 的實體展和 線上活動擔當重要的橋樑角色。劉小雯分享道:“對參展商 而言,此線上平台不但讓他們可以全年無休地把產品展現 在世界各地的客戶眼前,更可為實體展宣傳熱身,吸引買 家對其新產品的關注。對於較喜歡面對面洽談生意、又能 夠親臨實體展的買家而言, JewelleryNet 讓他們可以預先做 好準備、提前發掘感興趣的產品,在踏進展館的那一刻,已 經運籌帷幄,清楚掌握採購產品的方向,在實體展上獲得更 豐盛的成果。”此外, JewelleryNet 將繼續提供由 Informa Markets Jewellery 專業媒體團隊出版的《 JNA 亞洲珠宝》 及特刊、行業及市場新聞、珠寶商貿展覽會日程,以及包含 線上研討會和商貿訪談的“珠寶智匯”。