JNA Sep/ Oct 2021

市場情報 JNA Sep/Oct 2021 | 49 尖晶石美麗動人,其吸引力一直以來都被低估,但時至今 天,它終於在彩色寶石界的著名寶石之中佔一席位。而過去 幾年間,業界和大眾都紛紛被尖晶石的鮮艷色彩和多元化特 色迷住了。 曾幾何時,尖晶石經常被誤以為是其他珍貴寶石。過去 幾個世紀間,這種寶石深受皇室貴族寵愛,在許多金碧輝煌 的王冠上佔據重要位置。黑王子紅寶石是一塊未經切割的紅 色尖晶石,是英國皇室冠冕上的傳奇瑰寶。同樣地,尖晶石 也在印度大君和俄羅斯統治者的珠寶中璀璨生輝。 最近,尖晶石更加融入主流,與橄欖石一起成為 8 月的 生日石,並更頻密地出現在卡地亞和梵克雅寶等奢侈品牌的 高級珠寶系列中。寶格麗 Magnifica 2021 高級珠寶系列的 亮點之一,就是 Imperial Spinel 項鏈,它鑲嵌了重 131.21 克 拉的世界第四大尖晶石,以及祖母綠珠子和鑽石。 Pamir Gems 市場營銷經理 Tais Farkhodova 指出,以上 一切都提升了尖晶石在大眾心目中的地位。“鼎鼎大名的珠 寶公司,一直都在系列中採用尖晶石,為這種寶石賦予時尚 奢華的形象。”她表示。 繽紛視野 尖晶石的迷人特質在於色彩豐富,繽紛的色彩令人目不 暇給,從而切合大部分人的要求。它滿足了市場對高級粉 紅色和紅色寶石的需求,為廣受歡迎的藍色寶石類別增添了 清新明淨的色彩選擇,並呈獻深淺不一的薰衣草色和灰色。 Farkhodova 說:“尖晶石的色彩之多令人驚嘆。有些 尖晶石非常清澈通透,而且尺寸選擇繁多,使挑選製作也成 為一種樂趣。”她指出,市場對尖晶石顏色的喜好,很大程 度上受到設計、時尚和藝術潮流的影響。最近,人們都偏愛 明亮、愉悅、飽和的色彩,或許是藉此回應近來籠罩全球的 陰鬱情緒。 寶石專家 Nomad's 的 Josh Saltzman 表示,紅色和粉紅 色等鮮艷的尖晶石,受歡迎程度有增無減。不同種類的藍 調,尤其是越南的鈷藍尖晶石,以及薰衣草色亦廣受追捧。 他補充,灰色尖晶石在過去幾年也深受愛戴。 “色彩是大多數客戶考慮的主要因素。切割和拋光精細 的尖晶石,銷情一般都很理想。”他透露。“普遍來說,市 場上很難找到優質的高端紅色和粉紅色寶石。尖晶石能提供 較大尺寸和明亮鮮活的顏色,有助推動其受歡迎程度。對尖 晶石進行處理的情況也很少見,毋須像多數紅寶石和藍寶石 般進行大量處理工序。” The scarcity of fine rough material and ever-growing demand for spinel in the last few years have caused the value of the stones to appreciate. Saltzman remarked that gemstone manufacturers’ main concern with spinel these days is replacing what has been sold. Owners of fine spinel now tend to hold on to their stones as they fear they will not be able to replace it at the right price, said Kazemini. “Exceptionally fine spinels are hard to find in the market at reasonable prices. Once you let go of a stone, it would be extremely difficult to find similar ones at the same price,” Yavorskyy added. As a pioneer in the spinel trade, he attests to the soaring value of the stone. Fine spinel under 2 carats may cost US$200 to US$1,000 per carat, but bigger stones fetch much higher sums. Gem-quality large- size spinel can now command prices upwards of US$100,000, a far cry from the fine material that cost US$3 to US$5 per stone a couple of decades ago. In 1994, spinels in Sri Lanka were selling for around US$3 per carat, he recalled. Some 25 years later, prices had risen to around U$3,000 to US$8,000 per carat. In fact, back in 2017, Yavorskyy acquired a loupe- clean, 6-carat cushion-shaped red spinel from Mogok at US$126,000, setting a record-high per-carat price for spinel. “In the span of 25 years, the price of spinel never once dropped. It has consistently gone up and continues to do so,” he revealed. “Meanwhile, an aquamarine I bought around 25 years ago would likely fetch the same price today.” Supply challenges notwithstanding, the spinel trade will continue to shine for the foreseeable future. “If more fine material comes to the market, spinel has the potential to win over a wider swath of the general public and increase its popularity and reach even more,” Saltzman remarked. Spinels from Pamir Gems Pamir Gems 的尖晶石 Diamond ring with asymmetrical spinel from Myanmar by Ivy New York Ivy New York 的鑽石戒指,鑲嵌緬甸不對稱紅色尖晶石