JNA Sep/ Oct 2021
企业策略 JNA Sep/Oct 2021 | 45 Bright outlook Despite challenging business conditions owing to the pandemic, the market for lab-grown diamonds is growing exponentially year on year, according to Virani. North America leads demand, with consumer acceptance catching on in Southeast Asia as well. Lab-grown diamonds are increasingly viewed as both an alternative to and an aspirational step towards their mined counterparts, the company official revealed. The product’s sustainable image and relative affordability heighten its appeal among today's modern consumers, he continued. For Virani, the entry of established jewellery brands – Pandora, Swarovski and De Beers through its Lightbox brand, among others – in the lab-grown diamond space lends further credibility and prominence to the category. Given the vast potential of the sector, whose nature aligns with consumers’ sustainability goals, more players are expected to enter the field, he added. All jewellery with lab-grown diamonds from Ethereal Green Diamond 所有首飾均採用 Ethereal Green Diamond 的實驗室培育鑽石製作 Ethereal Green Diamond 透過製造尺寸更大、寶石級別的 實驗室培育鑽石,以填補市場空白,藉此創造獨特地位。 這家實驗室培育鑽石的生產商及製造商總監 Dhairya Virani 指出:“各種形狀和尺寸的 1 至 3 克拉商業級別鑽石需 求一向穩健,但是 5 克拉或以上的鑽石,受歡迎程度也大有 增長,意味着實驗室培育鑽石現正發展成一個完整的珠寶類 別,在設計上擁有無限可能性。” Ethereal Green Diamond 最近以一顆 14.6 克拉的 “ Freedom of India ”實驗室培育鑽石成為業界焦點,這 顆方形祖母綠式切割鑽石,採用化學氣相沉積 (CVD) 技術製 造,據稱是以此技術培育的認可寶石級別鑽石之中最大的一 顆,擁有 VS2 級別淨度及F成色,並獲國際寶石學院 (IGI) 給 予“極優”評價。 Virani 解釋:“技術上的挑戰,往往令實驗室培育鑽石在 尺寸和品質上大打折扣。但是,本公司的最新出品證明了我 們在該範疇擁有過人實力,能夠滿足市場對尺寸更大的寶石 級別鑽石之渴求。” Ethereal Green Diamond 的業務策略核心,在於突破 創新。他們最近採用 Hini Star Ltd 的 Optica 系列鑽石切割 技術,為其實驗室培育鑽石推出多款獨特樣式:星型 (Stelo) 擁有 91 個切割面、玫瑰型 (Rozo) 擁有 56 個切割面、花型 (Floro) 則有 77 個切割面。以上的專利切割運用於傳統圓形鑽 石,為佩戴者創造更具價值的個人化選擇。 Virani 說:“本公司的一系列新猷,鼓勵消費者打破舊 有觀念。我們旨在提供至臻完美的寶石級別鑽石,以極致 的生產工藝和新穎迷人的設計為全球消費者開拓培育鑽石新 天地。” Ethereal Green Diamond 提供 D 至 N 成色的無色鑽石, 另外也製造淡至艷彩粉紅、橙及藍色實驗室培育鑽石。該公 司在中國香港的分銷商為 Proudest Legend Ltd 。 璀璨前景 據 Virani 所稱,儘管新冠疫情為營商環境帶來挑戰,但是 實驗室培育鑽石市場的按年增長仍然相當顯著。北美市場的 需求冠絕全球,而東南亞地區的消費者接受度亦有所提升。 他認為,培育鑽石已逐漸被視為開採鑽石的過渡選擇以 至代替品。其正面形象建基於可持續發展理念,價格也比較 相宜,因此在現今消費者心目中更具吸引力。 不少著名珠寶首飾品牌,如潘多拉首飾、施華洛世奇和 戴比爾斯的 Lightbox 品牌,都積極開拓實驗室培育鑽石市 場。對 Virani 來說,此舉能提高該行業的認受性和知名度。 培育鑽石行業切合消費者對可持續發展的追求,潛力極為龐 大,因此預料會有更多從業者成為一分子。 Virani 指出:“大型珠寶品牌的實質支持,比起任何行銷 推廣活動更有效深化市場對培育鑽石的接受程度。他們給這 個範疇投入力度,肯定了實驗室培育鑽石的發展空間和大眾 需求。然而,營造高透明度和為零售人員和公眾提供相關教 育是必需的,這才能維持長遠的消費者信心。” 與此同時,市場擴展也為鑽石培育者提供更多機 遇。 Virani 預期,由於現時產品供不應求,因此製造量亦會 相應大增。他解釋:“市場上將會出現越來越多已打磨的培 育鑽石,但是因為新產量可被需求吸收,所以價格將會保持 平穩。” Virani 最後補充, Ethereal Green Diamond 致力投放資 源進行教育和支持業內生力軍,這點有助消除大眾對實驗室 培育鑽石的誤解。 “This endorsement by the big names in the jewellery industry alone can do more for market acceptance of lab-grown diamonds than any marketing campaign that producers can develop. These brands’ commitment to the category affirms the viability of lab-grown diamonds as a business and the public clamour for the product. All this activity however needs to be coupled with transparency and education campaigns for retail staff and the public to build lasting consumer confidence,” Virani remarked. The expansion of the market for lab-grown diamonds signals more opportunities for growers. Virani expects production to soar as demand currently outstrips supply. “There will be more and more carats of polished lab-grown diamonds entering the marketplace. Prices should remain stable though as there is enough demand to absorb new production,” he explained. Ethereal Green Diamond invests in education and support for new players in the industry to help eradicate common public and trade misconceptions about lab- grown diamonds, Virani added.
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