JNA Jan/ Feb 2021

DESIGN 38 | JNA Jan/Feb 2021 Design codes in the new normal remain subdued, reflective but hopeful, following a year of virus-induced social distancing and lockdowns. Clear narratives, comforting classics, emotional appeal, bespoke services, refreshing touches and personal expression are set to define jewellery designs this year. 新冠疫情令各地長期實施社交距離 和封城措施,新常態下的設計規範仍然低調,令人反思,但卻充滿希望。今 年的珠寶設計前沿涵蓋多方面,包括:清晰敘事、愉悅經典、情感引力、 定製服務、耳目一新的風格和個性化表達等,將珠寶設計重新定義過來。 珠寶設計新方向 Jewellery Design Directions Pantone’s Colours of the Year – Ultimate Gray and Illuminating 彩通年度代表色——極致灰與亮麗黃 | Olivia Quiniquini 程愛莉 | P antone’s picks for the Colour of the Year 2021 say it all. Ultimate Gray and Illuminating – a friendly, refreshing yellow – encapsulate the sentiments of a world that is slowly emerging from the ravages of a pandemic that forced structural shifts in lifestyles, businesses and attitudes. According to the colour trend forecasting agency, the two independent colours highlight how different elements come together to support one another, best expressing the mood for the year – a message of happiness supported by fortitude. The grounding Ultimate Gray reflects the back-to-basics reflection spurred by Covid- 19, while Illuminating’s subtle dynamism captures the hope and optimism for a brighter tomorrow. As in most years, Pantone’s selections are poised to influence fashion, design and lifestyle colour schemes. The gem and jewellery world is no exception, with yellows and greys most likely to dominate colour palettes in 2021. Yellow diamonds, golden beryls, citrines and lemon quartz stones oblige Illuminating creations as do amber, golden South Sea pearls and yellow varieties of popular coloured stones. Yellow gold likewise adds a touch of the uplifting Illuminating aura to any jewellery piece. Labradorite, grey diamonds, mother of pearl, agate, druzy, grey moonstones and Tahitian pearls, among others, impart the strong, steady and measured resilience of Ultimate Gray. The steely shine of marcasite and hematite also capture the comforting allure of the Pantone pick. 彩通的 2021 年度代 表色正好說明一切。極 致灰和亮麗黃(煥發清新的黃色)載 有整個世界被新冠疫情打倒的情緒,迫使生活方式、商務 企業、以至個人態度都出現結構性轉變。 根據該色彩預測專家的說法,這兩種獨立的色彩不僅展 現出各自不同的元素,卻同時亦相輔相成,將當今的情感完 美呈現——堅毅不屈地追求幸福的訊息。務實的極致灰,反 映出新冠疫情把事物帶回起源的反射;而低調卻活潑的亮麗 黃,則捕捉了人們對未來的希望和憧憬。 一如以往,彩通所挑選的年度色彩必為時裝、設計、生活時 尚帶來不同程度的影響。寶石和珠寶世界也不例外,各種深 淺的黃色和灰色將引領 2021 年的調色板。 黃鑽、金綠柱石、黃水晶和檸檬晶石使琥珀,金色南洋 珍珠和現時流行的黃色彩寶統統變成年度炙手可熱的寶石產 品。而黃金同樣為任何珠寶首飾增添令人愉悅的亮眼光環。 拉長石、灰色鑽石、珍珠貝母、瑪瑙、石英晶簇、灰色 月光石和大溪地珍珠等,均賦予了極致灰強烈、穩定和可預 見的韌性。白鐵礦和赤鐵礦的鋼鐵光澤也捕捉了彩通精選的 色彩魅力。