JNA Jan/ Feb 2021
INNOVATION 24 | JNA Jan/Feb 2021 G übelin has developed an innovative rating system aimed at meeting the industry’s need for a universal language to evaluate coloured gemstones – the Gübelin Gemstone Rating. According to the company, the assessment is made using a comprehensive yet easy-to-understand point system where high-quality coloured gemstones are given at least 75 out of 100 possible points. Using special parameters, a gem’s beauty and rarity are expressed in a single number: The Gübelin Points. In addition, coloured gems are assigned a designation based on their Gübelin Points rating as “exceptional” (97.5- 100 points), “outstanding” (95.0-97.4 points), “excellent” (92.5-94.9 points), “superior” (90.0-92.4 points), “fine” (85.0- 89.9 points), “good” (80.0-84.9 points) or “fair” (75.0-79.9 points). Raphael Gübelin, president of the House of Gübelin, explains the pertinent components of the Gübelin Gemstone Rating system. | Bernardette Sto. Domingo 杜明高 | Raphael Gübelin, president of the House of Gübelin, talks about a new rating system for coloured gemstones that offers orientation, increased transparency and product comparability to ultimately aid buyers in making educated purchasing decisions. 古柏林總裁 Raphael Gübelin 暢談全新的彩色寶石評級系統;該評分制度為買家提供客觀數據、 加強透明度及便於比較的特質,有助寶石買賣時作為參考。 Gübelin ups the ante on gemstone rating 古柏林提升寶石評級制度
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