JNA Jan/ Feb 2021
SPECIAL FEATURES 10 | JNA Jan/Feb 2021 Pockets of recovery in the jewellery and gemstone industry are expected to gain further traction, thanks to the emergence of vaccines and improving consumer sentiment, but how soon can a full and impactful recovery take place? 隨着疫苗的出現和消費者情緒的逐漸改善,寶石珠寶業預計將繼續 回暖,但完全和有效的復蘇需要多久才能恢復? | Bernardette Sto. Domingo 杜明高 | Cautious optimism pervades 審慎樂觀情緒瀰漫 2021 年珠寶貿易 jewellery trade in 2021
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