E40 Anniversary Book 2023

Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years / September 2023 | 91 Victor has been perfecting his gemstone artistry for over 24 years. He began his journey after receiving initial faceting knowledge from a friend in Russia. Since then, he has come a long way and now celebrates his “golden” jubilee in the industry – 24 years corresponding to 24 karats, the highest and purest form of gold. Throughout his career, Victor has strived for perfection in the art of gemstone cutting. However, he soon realised that precision alone was not enough to satisfy his artistic vision. He began to incorporate symbols, images and patterns of facets into his designs and even added short texts to crystallise his ideas further. One of Victor’s most remarkable creations is The World Heritage Collection, which features 12 gemstones dedicated to 12 countries, including ancient civilizations like ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire. These amazing stones have thousands of facets, and Victor uses techniques that no other cutter uses anymore, such as meeting points between frosted edges surrounded by the smallest triangles. For Victor, cutting these gems is not just a craft but an art, and these gems are undoubtedly art objects. 24年前,Victor從一位俄羅斯朋友身上學會了一些分面知識,從此開展了奇妙的寶石藝術 旅程。他一路走來,今年慶祝在行業的「金禧」;24年相當於24K——最高、最純淨的黃金。 他在整個職業生涯中一直努力追求完美的寶石切割。然而,他很快意識到,僅靠精確度不 足以滿足他的藝術視野,並開始將符號、圖像和刻面圖案融入設計中,甚至添加簡短的文 字。他最引人注目的作品包括「世界遺產」系列——12顆獻給12個國家的寶石,當中包括 古埃及和羅馬帝國等文明古國。這些令人驚歎的寶石有數千個刻面,使用了其他切磨師 不再使用的技術。對Victor來說,切割這些寶石不僅僅是一門手藝,更是一門藝術,而這些 寶石無疑是耀目的藝術品。 VICTOR TUZLUKOV World-class gemstone artist 世界級寶石藝術家