88 | Informa Markets Jewellery Susan is leading the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) at a time when new technology, treatments and product categories surface and consumer demand for transparency in gem and jewellery products is at an all-time high. The industry veteran is unfazed though, having guided the institution through several market shifts for nearly a decade now, following a 31-year career with US luxury jewellery retailer Borsheims in Omaha. On her watch, GIA has expanded its presence in the world, developed diamond verification services and other innovations, introduced lab-grown diamond reports and championed diversity and inclusion across the sector, among others. Among her proudest achievements though is helping to protect gem and jewellery consumers and ensuring their trust. “Maintaining this critical consumer trust is vital to the continued success of our industry. Without it, we would cease to exist, and the impact would be profound,” she said, enjoining the jewellery trade to focus on the importance of consumer confidence and trust so that people can continue to celebrate their milestones with gems and jewellery. Susan出任GIA美國寶石研究院主席之時,正值行業湧現各種創新技術、加工方式和產 品類別,消費者對寶石和珠寶產品透明度的需求也是前所未有地高。不過,這位經驗豐 富的資深業者,仍然從容不迫地面對各種挑戰。她在美國奧馬哈市的高級珠寶零售商 Borsheims工作了31年後,最近十年帶領GIA邁步向前,並經歷了數次的市場轉變。在她 的領導下,GIA在全球的影響力與日俱增,除了成功開發鑽石鑒定服務和其他創新措舉, 也推出了實驗室培育鑽石報告,同時在行業間宣揚多元共融的理念等。保障寶石和珠寶 消費者的權益,並確保能夠獲得他們的信任,是最令她引以為傲的成就之一。 她說:「獲取消費者的信任,就是本行業賴以成功的關鍵。如果缺乏這份信任,我們將 會難以生存,影響非常深遠。」她強調,珠寶行業必須用心建立消費者的信心和信任,鼓勵 人們繼續以寶石和珠寶慶賀人生的里程碑。 SUSAN JACQUES President and CEO, GIA 美國寶石研究院主席及行政總裁