E40 Anniversary Book 2023

Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years / September 2023 | 7 I vividly recall the early days of Jewellery & Gem WORLD Hong Kong (JGW) when we had just over a hundred exhibitors in a hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui. Since then, our jewellery fair has undergone a remarkable transformation and has emerged as the largest in the world. This year, we are proud to celebrate its 40th edition, along with the 40th anniversary of our flagship jewellery publication, JNA. As we mark these significant milestones, we also take great pride in recognising the exceptional achievements of 40 outstanding individuals who have played a vital role in advancing the sector. Our Extraordinary 40 Awardees represent the brightest talents in the jewellery world, hailing from diverse geographies and specialising in key areas such as jewellery design, manufacturing, diamonds, coloured gemstones, pearls and technology. Their exceptional business practices encompass social responsibility, sustainability, education and innovation. Our recognition campaign aims to send a powerful message to all those involved in the jewellery industry. We want to express our appreciation for their hard work, creativity and contributions, and let them know that they have not gone unnoticed. With gratitude for the past and enthusiasm for the future, let’s raise a toast to the endless possibilities that lie ahead. Here’s to another 40 years of exceptional growth and innovation in the jewellery industry! 猶記得「環球盛事 | 九月香港珠寶首飾展覽會」(簡稱JGW)」最初在尖沙咀一間酒店内 舉行,只有一百多家供應商參展。從那時起,展覽會經歷了一段美妙的發展旅程,逐步 蛻變為全球最大型的珠寶展。今年,展覽會和我們的旗艦雜誌《JNA亚洲珠宝》同時慶 祝40週年,我們深感自豪!在紀念這兩個重要里程碑的同時,我們也非常榮幸能夠表 揚40名成就斐然的行業菁英,他們在推動珠寶業發展中發揮了極為重要的影響力。 「非凡40」得獎者橫跨不同地域和專業範疇,其中包括珠寶設計和製造;鑽石、彩寶、 珍珠及科技等主要產品類別;以及社會責任、可持續發展、教育和革新等傑出商業實踐。 這個獎項計劃旨在向所有珠寶業者傳遞一個強烈的信息:他們默默耕耘,為行業 付出努力、創意和貢獻,我們表示致敬!讓我們回顧過去,憧憬未來,為將來的無限可 能乾杯!祝願珠寶業繼續迎來卓越的發展和革新,開創下一個光輝40年! Celine Lau 劉小雯 Director of Jewellery Fairs Informa Markets Jewellery 珠寶展覽部總監 TRIBUTE 致敬